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I bought this collection because I saw this package come out and it made me think to try and install my copy of kq8. My version wouldn't work, and I took a look on here and was happy to see it said "vista 64-bit compatibility". I hoped/assumed that meant windows 7 64 bit as well.
Well it DID. Awesome! I am going through it again now and loving it for all its flaws just like I did 10 years ago.
Contrary to other opinions, I have never been a fan of KQ7. It is the only game in the series I have never completed. I am probably going to try it again, as it is getting a lot of positive praise (which are mostly the only kind of reviews given on this site, but I digress). KQ7 seems cartoony and less interesting than all of the other games in the series. KQ3 and KQ6 are definitely the greatest in the series, and 7 falls WAY short.
KQ8 on the other hand is of course a HUGE departure from the series, but it still has some interesting
parts to it. I like the light RPG elements and leveling up, as I love being able to put in a little effort which pays off in future fights. The puzzles aren't that complicated relative to the rest of the series, but can still have some fun challenges (the dimension of death 4 portal puzzle for example). I haven't completed it on this replay yet, so I can't remember all of the details, but my memories were fond of this weird Kings Quest cousin game.
To me, they should have put the whole collection together for $20, and since I can get my old version to work by themselves in dosbox, I haven't bought the rest. But this last part of the collection is definitely worth the 10 dollars just for KQ8 alone, and hopefully KQ7 will finally be completed after its years of neglect in my collection.
cant get kings quest 8 mask of eternity to it from using windows 7....goes to the intro then crashes...please can anybody help me...
Do you have a cd drive? If not the game will crash. The game still checks for a drive or a virtual drive to run. Gog really needs to fix that.
Baggins: Do you have a cd drive? If not the game will crash. The game still checks for a drive or a virtual drive to run. Gog really needs to fix that.
In case you didn't already know, if you still own the original KQ:MOE CD, the Sierra Help Pages provide a Windows 7 installer that removes the CD drive requirement. I don't think that installer works with the GOG version though.
Ya, that installer won't work with this version. I've made a request to the original developer of the installer, but they don't want to make an update to include the GOG version. There reason being that GOG won't acknowledge their work.
Eh? That's the case with Collector and his installer yes, but as for the actual fixes those were mine and it's more out of spite because they didn't want to acknowledge that it was broken (which prompted me to do it myself). The response I got from gog's support was "oh well it's just programmed that way".
I agree, I like King's Quest 8.

The thing I like the most about it is the atmosphere. It's great! The game always felt creepy, all dark and mysterious. It's like a Dungeons and Dragons game in the arcade or in real-time strategy form, or a Dark Eye game in Adventure form. King's Quest 8 is a different style of game that takes place in the same universe, I love that kind of thing.

Shame the series didn't continue. Though we'd probably have a King's Quest MMO by today.
KQ8 is actually one of my favorite games in the series. Not my most favorite... KQ5 or KQ6 probably holds that spot. But definitely one of my top favorites.

KQ7 is definitely my least favorite in the series.

I actually liked the level of exploration KQ8 has, which imo is more akin to the early KQs. The encounters hearken back to the random mobs you could only run away from but served no puzzle purpose in the early games. The fact you are playing a lowly knight/peasant, kinda hearkens back to the original game where Graham was only a knight, and not higher form of royality. If you notice Graham and Connor even wear the same kinda clothing starting out, although Connor doesn't have the iconic hat.

I liked the blend of traditional adventure game interface and puzzles mixed with combat. Ya the early QFGs probably pulled it off better. But I think it pulled it off better than the non-adventure QFG5 (ya it was stripped down of most of its adventure elements, and turned into an action-rpg).

The game could have been even more, but unfortunately that was never meant to be. It's a shame that we didn't see a KQ9 from Roberta when technology could have reached a point for some of her more ambitious 3D ideas to come to fruition.
Post edited February 21, 2013 by Baggins