Andikki: There's no denying that King's Bounty resemble Heroes of Might & Magic a lot, but it also offers much more to that. HOMM gives you mission maps with all the same elements scattered over them. I always got bored after a couple of missions - the world felt distant and repetitive. King's Bounty, on the contrary, has one big world with new things, characters and creatures always waiting to be discovered. It feels much cozier in the KB universe. There's a plot line that you follow constantly, not just in the movies between the missions. Add to that a good share of humour and funny allusions. To me it's the best game in the genre.
I have to disagree with all my heart.
The original Kings bounty and homm 3 was master pieces in their own ways. homm 1-2 was good and the rest of the homm series was worthless.
Homm 3 had thousands upon thousands of user created maps of highest quality and it was even one of the first competitive online games (aside from c&c/Starcraft) and probably the first tbs based one. If you only evaluate homm3 based upon campaigns and the horrible maps that came with the box you missed 90% of the magic :-)
Unlike the Ubisoft bastardization of the homm franchise - Katauri actually managed to honor the original kings bounty quite well imo. My expectations was low but I was pleasantly surprised. Armored princess was definitely the best of the titles so far but I have enjoyed them all to an extent.
so I agree with the fact the new kings bounty games are great - but I profoundly disagree they reached the heights of homm 3