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I have been very disappointed by this game. The worst of all must be the terrible AI. The enemies act like terminators! Whatever the distance, they shoot with a 100% accuracy as soon as they detect you. Sometimes, instead of shooting they run away, or keep going up and down the stairs. Even if you hide behind a door to ambush them, they still manage to hit you before you hit them. It really does not feel like a good fps at all.
For the rest, the level design is uninspired and pretty linear. The environments are as classic as most fps: the streets, the sewer, the factory, the docks, the train station etc...
For the good points of the game: having companions could have been a good idea if they were useful. The graphics are fairly decent and the atmosphere of the game is quite good too, with a lot of violence, swearing and gangsta attitude. The possibility to "dialog" with the NPCs is a good idea, even if heavily limited. It can be sometimes hilarious, speaking with the word "fuck" as the Smurfs.
Half-Life, Perfect Dark, System Shock 2 or Deus Ex were realized at the same period and are far more superior games than Kingpin. Would this game have a credible AI, a better level design and better weapons, I could have called it a decent game. Playing Kingpin until the end was not always funny, especially in the second half of the game when it gets more and more tedious, infuriating and boring.