Posted November 11, 2019

You can now continue to date Theresa after “the act” (ahem).
Be careful though, Theresa has mind of her own and can even dump you…
But if she likes you, she can help you in your endeavors."
Does NOT work on current save (pre patch 1.9) where you've "done the deed". She has no new dialog. Not backwards compatible.
sad you cant have another act:D or even marry her

-Marius is stuck near the the rathouse
-Can't trade with trader and claims I'm trespassing
-Special beer not showing up in inn menu
Main Game
-Andrew seems to of resurrected after Gallow brothers.
These problems are still in the game. I'm happy for the new DLC but don't you think you could take the time to fix the Marius stuck near the Rathouse problem that has been around since from the ashes came out.
Post edited November 11, 2019 by Andre_M_er