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Any way to launch the game without installing Steam first?

./ 0 (0.000s)
Running KeeperRL
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() did not locate a running instance of Steam.
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/home/user/.steam/sdk64/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Sys_LoadModule failed to load: /home/user/.steam/sdk64/
Unable to connect with the Steam client.
./ line 3: 14222 Segmentation fault ./keeper
This question / problem has been solved by bozymilipimage
Are you saying that the Gog version requires Steam?
I would very much like to get an official statement, too, thank you very much.

And this please before "Offer ends on: 14/03/2024 23:59 EET"
Considering there is no Linux version available on Gog, and the files seem to be bash scripts, I'm guessing he's either trying to launch the Steam version without Steam, or using the scripts trying to get the Gog version to launch?

(Or it could be he's built it from source but included the STEAMWORKS=true flag when building the game?)

I can say, that you do not need Steam running to play KeeperRL, but I do have Steam installed on my system, so any attempt to load .dll files would not fail even if Steam wasn't running.

Sadly I don't have a windows system without Steam to test it out on.

Not the answer ryosen and mmeyer are looking for, but at least partial information?
Post edited March 04, 2024 by DrakeFox
DrakeFox: Considering there is no Linux version available on Gog, and the files seem to be bash scripts, I'm guessing he's either trying to launch the Steam version without Steam, or using the scripts trying to get the Gog version to launch?

(Or it could be he's built it from source but included the STEAMWORKS=true flag when building the game?)

I can say, that you do not need Steam running to play KeeperRL, but I do have Steam installed on my system, so any attempt to load .dll files would not fail even if Steam wasn't running.

Sadly I don't have a windows system without Steam to test it out on.

Not the answer ryosen and mmeyer are looking for, but at least partial information?
Okay, the game got an update - the version I tried (1.0e) had the issue with required steam library, but it looks like this got fixed with version 1.0f.

So, it works without Steam on Linux now. :)
DrakeFox: Considering there is no Linux version available on Gog, and the files seem to be bash scripts, I'm guessing he's either trying to launch the Steam version without Steam, or using the scripts trying to get the Gog version to launch?

(Or it could be he's built it from source but included the STEAMWORKS=true flag when building the game?)

I can say, that you do not need Steam running to play KeeperRL, but I do have Steam installed on my system, so any attempt to load .dll files would not fail even if Steam wasn't running.

Sadly I don't have a windows system without Steam to test it out on.

Not the answer ryosen and mmeyer are looking for, but at least partial information?
I stand very corrected. I had assumed GOG abandoned Linux files since I see so many complaints, and didn't see it in the system requirements.

You have my apologies
The crash and the Steam error were unrelated, the crash is fixed now.
Thank you for the Linux version KeeperRL. :-)