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Just bought KeeperRL today after it hit 1.0

I've tried it on my laptop, as well as on my desktop. Both times, once I hit the Quit button, a terminal window pops up with the text
"Sorry, KeeperRL crashed :(

Gathering crash information and sending crash home a report.

It may take a few minutes. Please don't close this window"

After a few minutes the window and game closes, but it does get a bit tedious to wait for.

I've attempted to find a log file in appdata and the game folder as well as Documents\My games, but can't seem to find anything there.

Anyone have any suggestion?
Found the report. Seems the `sendreport.bat` file generates it, uploads the crash report, and then deletes it.

Contents of report.txt

"4a0c 2024-03-02"
[New Thread 0x1968]
Core was generated by `xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\keeper.exe'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()

Thread 1 (Thread 0x1968):
#0 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Opening KeeperRL.dmp in VS 2017 is not much more useful, except that it states the exception code encountered is 0xC0000005 in Keeper.exe, but no heap information available
Issue seems to be related to Gog Galaxy.
If you launch Keeper.exe directly from the filesystem instead of going through Galaxy, the game launches and exits without issue.
If the game is launched from Galaxy, it seems to crash.

--- Update ---
Issue seems to be related to Gog Galaxy.
If you launch Keeper.exe directly from the filesystem instead of going through Galaxy, the game launches and exits without issue.

If the game is launched from Galaxy, it seems to crash.

But if you go to Settings->Configure->Features and uncheck "Access GOG Galaxy features in-game" the issue stops
Post edited March 02, 2024 by DrakeFox
Exactly the same thing happens to me, but I have noticed that if you don't click the game ends up closing, although it takes a minute or two.

I also open it from GOG Galaxy.
Ruzer.: Exactly the same thing happens to me, but I have noticed that if you don't click the game ends up closing, although it takes a minute or two.

I also open it from GOG Galaxy.
Yes, that is what I'm seeing, at first I would use my mouse to click on the screen to see if the game was responding but that would end in a crash. But if you wait a full minute without clicking your mouse buttons, it closes properly.
For me, the window pops up almost instantly when I either click the Quit button or use the arrow keys to navigate and hit enter.

I were starting to wonder if maybe I were clicking again, thinking it hadn't registered my click, but no. Single click.