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  MINI  MANUAL       (Part I)

1) Gamepad Controls:

  Control       Action
  ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- LS              Movement (i.e. point left thumbstick in desired direction)
- X                Special Ability (if Special Meter has at least 1 bar)
- Y                Ultimate Ability (if Special Meter is full, i.e. 4 bars)
- B                Using Item
- LB+LS       Changing Facing Direction (i.e. pressing Left Bumper and same time pointing with Left Stick)
- LS+A         Forced Jump (downwards if the platform below is missing)
- RB             Waging (other player same platform more points & less bars)
Info: If you are in need of an introduction for controller handling see `F310 Sketch & Usage':

2) Menu Structure:

     o Play
         - Versus
             > Free-For-All
             > Teams
         - Solo
             > Easy
             > Normal
             > Hard
         - Online
             > Quick Match
             > Friends
     o Training
         - Tutorials
             > Basics
             > Advanced
             > Characters 1
                 ~ Lola (sword),
                 ~ Frore (ice),
                 ~ Cid (computer),
                 ~ Bommer (explosion).
             > Character 2
                 ~ Reese (speed),
                 ~ Dr. Time (time manipulation),
                 ~ Ribbon (stealing/stealth).
             > Item Guide
         - Practice
     o Options
         - Video
         - Audio
         - Controllers and Profiles
     o Extras
         - Goals
         - Credits
     o Quit

3) Basics of the game:

- You select a player mode (e.g. versus), then players (human/PC - CPUs
   are difficult; random / one of the 7 directly available characters -
   see below) and its color (if you want to play in teams, each team has
   one color shared by all members) used for outfits and for gained platforms
   (giving points to that player/team when platform falls off the screen).
- Each player has an image with its color and next to it 3 infos:
   Name on top, below Points and on bottom the Special Meter with up to
   4 bars - and when available below these the symbol of a found item.
   Left to the image appears a small crown if the player is in the lead.
- Your avatar can jump left, right, up and down (when no gap is there).
- Normal platforms get your color when jumping on them.
- Locked Platforms are not changing color by jumping (see key item or CID).
- Plattforms will fall down - only the last locked rows will not fall off.
- Last bottom row of platforms will get destroyed when falling down - giving
   points to players who managed to give any platform of that row their color -
   the number of points for each of these platforms is the number written on it.
- If you are stunned by spikes on frozen platforms etc., you can not move
   for a short time (which may be long enough to die, see below).
- If you fall down off the screen, be KO'd by Lola, or die in other ways,
   you get respawned at top middle falling from the skies and losing 10 points
   (except when KO'd by Lola - here you don't lose points - just lost times
    and bad position to start from).
- Use your Abilities whenever possible and tactically advantageous
   (i.e. needing: Special - 1 bar, Ultimate - all 4 bars).
- If there is a chest, go to it and get an item by jumping on it:
   o Key - Platform Lock (your color can no longer be changed by others),
   o Feather - move platform to empty space,
   o Crashed Square - destroy platform after jump,
   o Battery - filling Special Meter (all 4 bars),
   o Bolt - speed up.
- If you fell behind you may Catch up by Waging:
   if the other player has more points but you have more bars,
   invoke waging, press button for number of bars (B - 1, A - 2,
   X - 3, Y - 4) and get added 5 points per every bar differing
   while other get these points subtracted.
- Harder Stages can be purchased - as these are not suited for beginners -
   using Jenny being earnt by completing matches (solo, local versus or online).
   List of Stages:
      x Random {selecting one of the following - some can be excluded},
      * Proving Grounds,     * Abandoned Servers,   * Space Station,
      * Boulder Fall,             * Onclave Labs,             * Crystal Caves,
      * Baron Industries,      * Twilight Canyon,         * Arata City,
      * The Void.
   When playing in Versus mode against a PC player, your points earnt are the
   amount of Jenny - and each locked Stage costs 3000 Jenny.
- For further information or practical training go to menu: Training, here
   e.g. Tutorial ("How To Play") - Item Guide ... and try out others as well!

To be continued/updated ... please stay tuned ...
Post edited February 10, 2021 by JMB9
  MINI  MANUAL       (Part II)

4) Characters:

There are currently 7 freely available:
        Lola (sword),       Frore (ice),      Cid (computer),      Bommer (explosion),
        Reese (speed),      Dr. Time (time manipulation),      Ribbon (stealing/stealth).

x Lola
   Lola has been training for the Jumpala Championship since the age of 17.
   She's a fierce competitor who will do whatever is necessary to win -
   even if that means slicing through the competition.
     o Special (X) - Dash N' Slash
        Lola quickly moves and strikes with her sword, KOing any player
        standing on an adjacent platform.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Line Strike
        Lola dashes across the stage, KOing all opponents between
        her current position and the end of the row.
     Note that KO'd by Lola does not mean losing the usual 10 points.

x Frore
   A two-time Jumpala champion and international celebrity, Frore has
   earned a reputation for her elegance and relentlessness on the field.
     o Special (X) - Ice Blast
        Frore will shoot an ice projectile that freezes players on contact.
        Frozen players aren't able to control platforms.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Algific Defense
        Frore freezes all platforms that are her color. Icy spikes will
        also appear briefly, freezing any player who touches them (stunned).
        Note that frozen platforms must be jumped on 3x before the ice breaks.
     o Passive - Cold Resistance
        Frore stays frozen for 50% less time.

x Cid
   Cid is one of the youngest professional competitors in the history
   of Jumpala, and he feels like he has a lot to prove. He possesses
   a particular affinity to machines and gadgetry - the gauntlet on
   his arm, which he engineered himself, allows him to hack platforms
   to his advantage.
     o Special (X) - Lock
        Cid will lock his current platform to his color, preventing any
        other player from changing its color. This ability will even
        override previously locked platforms!
     o Ultimate (Y) - Override
        Cid will send a shock wave that locks all platforms on his current
        row (when contiguous - iced platform is like a gap, but a transporter
        platform like no gap - i.e. like a normal platform).

x Bommer
   Bommer grew up doing demolition work with her father
   in the mineral caves. She's a thrill seeker - the only reason
   she joined the competition is because it's dangerous.
   She carries explosives to help spice things up a little.
     o Special (X) - Plant {1st X} / Detonate {2nd X}
        Bommer places an explosive on her current platform that
        she can detonate at will.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Bombshell
        Bommer destroys all the platforms that are her color,
        except the one that she's currently standing on.

x Reese
   The fastest (and furriest) Jumpala competitor.
   While Reese is naturally quicker than other competitors,
   the contraption on his chest enables him to move at
   extremely high speeds.
     o Special (X) - Scamper
        Reese's can use his Scamper ability to run on all fours,
        allowing him to quickly cover a lot of ground.
        If he changes directions while running,
        he'll slow down a little as he slides.
        Reese can run as long by holding X as she has 1 bar left in Special Meter.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Hyperspeed
        Reese will move incredibly quickly ... it may take a bit
        to get a handle on the controls! If you bump into another player
        while Hyperspeed is activated, you'll stun them for a brief moment.

x Dr. Time
   Dr. Time has the unique ability to manipulate time, without being
   affected himself. Dr. Time's time-bending abilities have an effect
   on his body. This means that all time-based effects, good or bad,
   last a little bit longer when applied to Dr. Time.
     o Special (X) - Slow Time
        This will slow down time while allowing him to move normally.
        Use this to escape danger and beat opponents to items!
        Dr. Time can use slow time as long as one bar of Special Meter is left
        by holding X.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Stop Time
        This will stop time completely, giving you a chance to move
        around the stage at will. You'll be invincible for as long
        as time is stopped, so use this as an opportunity to claim
        as many platforms as you can!
     Be warned: If Dr. Time dies when slowing, he will also need more time
                        to respawn!

x Ribbon
   Ribbon can steal points from players if standing on the same platform
   and can get invisible.
     o Special (X) - Stealing
        Getting point from player on the same platform.
     o Ultimate (Y) - Invisibility
        Ribbon can get invisible for a short time - invulnerable to attacks,
        wagers and damage plus stealing double the points.

To be continued/updated ... please stay tuned ...
Post edited February 10, 2021 by JMB9
  MINI  MANUAL       (Part III)

?) Future Topic:

This is just to reserve space when the manual needs 3 posts ...

To be continued/updated ... please stay tuned ...


You may visit:
  o The Debelopers page:
  o Jumpala [PC] Debut Trailer - Apr 21, 2020
  o How to Beat Cid by Yokereba Games - Jan 25, 2021
  o Jumpala Gameplay #1 : JUMP TO WIN!
  o Let's Play JUMPALA - SPLAT-FORMING PARTY GAME - Mar 19, 2020

Just have fun and enjoy Jumpala with friends ... !!!