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I first encountered Judge Dredd not in the popular comic book series, 2000 AD but in the film version where Stallone had trouble speaking his lines as always. Then I played this game when it came out with the demo version, didn't impress me enough to buy the game.
Here it is on Gog so I decided to give it a go and it's fairly good for the price. The main story can be breezed through in about 3 hours and that's only if you're actually killing everything. Enemies in the game are mostly vampires and zombies that fight in melee so you might not get that thrill of normal shooters where you're in gunfights all the time.
Combat is a little clunky on the whole, probably because of the slow shooting (the lawgiver gun was fun though) I also noticed that reloading was identical to Perfect Dark, my favourite N64 game. You also get to arrest people but if you shoot innocents then you law meter goes down and you instantly lose which can get frustrating. I really enjoyed the artwork overall, it looked great for its time and is still easy on the eyes today. The music was also great and I'll definately be downloading the soundtrack here.
As for additional content you get an arcade mode which pits you against waves of enemies in 12 different challenges and just like in the story mode you can acquire rankings to unlock cheats and multiplayer skins. Getting the highest ranking, "Judge Dredd" isn't too difficult. As for multiplayer I didn't see any servers up but I could still play some quick bot matches which were fun.
Not the greatest FPS around but definately worth checking out for the price. Dredd is the law!
Yes, I liked it too, there's a whole lot of FPS's like this that never got recognition or flew under everybodies radar, this is one of them, Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter also falls in this category.