Posted August 14, 2012
I am having problems with the Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (actually many issues with it, however, some are tolerable) in that it continually crashes everytime i restore the game. It also crashes at the end of the major video sequences too, hence, I haven't gotten very far.
This topic was originally discussed and listed as SOLVED, due to a patch that was available on Rapidshare in 2010. However, this patch is no longer available and isn't found on any search engines. Does anyone know where this patch would be found or if there are any other solutions to this problem?
This topic was originally discussed and listed as SOLVED, due to a patch that was available on Rapidshare in 2010. However, this patch is no longer available and isn't found on any search engines. Does anyone know where this patch would be found or if there are any other solutions to this problem?