Posted December 03, 2017

My previous best was to have no screen-tearing or choppiness during the level, but .... horrendous, massively increased lag and sound-stutter during menus as well as a longer pause right before the level.
I think I used DDraw *or maybe overlay - I forget* (no other real tweaks) and forced Vsync on (Graphics card side); this eliminated the tearing, but increased the stuttering in the menus. I can recreate this effect using your config, Strijkbout. However, with the way I had it set up, disabling Vsync meant the return of the slight stutter during gameplay.
So yours is definitely the best all-rounder in my opinion. Thanks again!
Can you get into the setup program of the game and check if machine speed is set to the highest? Maybe that causes the delay at the start because I'm not experiencing it.
To do that you need to edit the file most likely called dosbox_single.conf and put a # in front of 'jazz' and 'exit' and then start the shortcut and then type 'setup' at the prompt.
I should add that I have set it to Soundblaster 16 and set it to the highest machine speed.
Post edited December 03, 2017 by Strijkbout