Posted August 18, 2023
Hello everybody, I've been playing a few hours and I'm in love with this game. Some mechanics aren't 100% clear, though.
How does "stealth" work? I move holding Shift but sometimes I make noises: does it depend on Agility, Dexterity or even a third factor (e.g. the kind of ground I'm on)?
Also, does crouching with Alt help not to be detected or is it only useful in avoiding enemy fire?
Assuming that I sneak on a guard, what characters are best suited to attack with a knife? Those with high Dexterity, high Marksmanship, none of the above?
The advantage on shooting point blank is just that I don't alert other guards, right?
Thank you in advance for your help!
How does "stealth" work? I move holding Shift but sometimes I make noises: does it depend on Agility, Dexterity or even a third factor (e.g. the kind of ground I'm on)?
Also, does crouching with Alt help not to be detected or is it only useful in avoiding enemy fire?
Assuming that I sneak on a guard, what characters are best suited to attack with a knife? Those with high Dexterity, high Marksmanship, none of the above?
The advantage on shooting point blank is just that I don't alert other guards, right?
Thank you in advance for your help!
This question / problem has been solved by JasonMiao