Byeohazard: I decided to try the V1.13 but I see that disabling the Drassen attack may be a good idea. I do not see the option in disabling it though. I have looked at the beginning of setting up the game options as well as the hige list of options while in the game. Where do you disable the drassen attack?
Enter the "Data-1.13" folder and you should see a file named "Ja2_Options.ini". Open that file and scroll down until you see this:
;************************************************************************************************ ********** ********************
; Strategic Events on/off
;************************************************************************************************************* ****************
; Can queen send troops to reinforce Drassen like she says she's going to in the Meanwhile...?
STRATEGIC_EVENT_SEND_TROOPS_TO_DRASSEN = TRUE Change the TRUE to FALSE and the Drassen attack is off. :)
I haven't updated the mod for a while, in the version I have its just over halfway down the document. The current version may have a different layout, so keep an eye out for that last line if it does.
You can alter the the other stuff as you please. The file usually notes if you should keep certain values of options within a certain degree, just remember to back up the file if you decide to mess around with to much stuff.