Rich9837: Sometimes it freezes when I reasch the Sirtech screen, but usually it freezes and craps out when I reach the menu screen. The red arrow mouse cursor gets duplicated when you move it around the screen. This is the first time a GOG game has failed to work for me. Anyone else have this issue?
A bit more info would help.
What OS are you using?
Where have you installed the game? Program Files or a UAC friendly directory?
Do you have CrossFire/SLI (aka dual GPU)? If yes, you should disable it for ja2.exe since SLI has been known to not properly update the video screen, thus leaving the cursor trail.
Also, you can try installing 1.13 and change the game's resolution, but I'd suggest you first play vanilla JA2 before jumping in the deep end of the pool that is known as JA2 1.13