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There have been quite a few reports of the Steam and disk versions stuttering on Windows Vista and 7, even though the framerate is smooth.

Has anyone had any issues with the GoG version at all?

Here's an example of the issue I'm talking about; the game runs at 30 or 60 fps but feels like it's running at 5-10fps:

Some fixes have worked for some people, others haven't. I'm hoping the GoG magicians have fixed it all up to run nicely with W7.
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Khalan: ...
We'll see. It could come back to bite GOG if they released it with these problems. (I assume they did their normal testing on 30-40 PCs.)
I seem to be getting that stuttering.
That's disappointing to hear.

Some of the suggested fixes are to simply restart the computer, or run in windowed mode.

Here's some info:
I haven't had any stuttering problems so far with my Win 7 rig.

This is something you'd expect the GOG wizards to fix before releasing an old game.
Turjake: I haven't had any stuttering problems so far with my Win 7 rig.

This is something you'd expect the GOG wizards to fix before releasing an old game.
Yes. ***cough*** You'd expect also they sell old games like this for 5.99$/9.99$ ***cough***
Neverwinter Nights 2 is plagued with the same issue.
It seems to be linked to animations using the process running time as a clock/counter. On multicore processors, this is a 'high precision' counter... and a large figure.
Solutions are:
changing the processor
rebooting before playing
using a virtual machine

Some configs benefit from running on only 1 core (setting the core affinity by hand or with a launcher), running windowed or even with the XP compatibility mode reportedly. None of those fixes are guaranteed to work everywhere.

If someone tech-savy enough could see how the NWN2 Client Extension launcher fixes that issue, the same thing could be done with JE I believe.

I believe GoG's development team could do it. It may break things on some configs but it could be made an optional fix.
Post edited June 16, 2013 by Leewelo
Khalan: There have been quite a few reports of the Steam and disk versions stuttering on Windows Vista and 7, even though the framerate is smooth.

Has anyone had any issues with the GoG version at all?

Here's an example of the issue I'm talking about; the game runs at 30 or 60 fps but feels like it's running at 5-10fps:

Some fixes have worked for some people, others haven't. I'm hoping the GoG magicians have fixed it all up to run nicely with W7.
I'm not sure if the game has been updated since its release here, but I've just played it on Win 7 64-bit, without any problems. The only stuttering I noticed was when I came out of a cut scene immediately prior to beginning the game's final battle; it only lasted a second or two and then was fine.

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Model p6-2033w
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G630 @ 2.70GHz, 2700 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date AMI 7.14, 8/11/2011
SMBIOS Version 2.6

Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7601.17514"

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 5.91 GB
Available Physical Memory 1.70 GB
Total Virtual Memory 11.8 GB
Available Virtual Memory 7.32 GB
Page File Space 5.91 GB

Name Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
PNP Device ID PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0102&SUBSYS_2AC2103C&REV_09\3&11583659&0&10
Adapter Type Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, Intel Corporation compatible
Adapter Description Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
Adapter RAM (1,324,075,008) bytes
Installed Drivers igdumd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igdumdx32,igd10umd32
Driver Version
INF File oem14.inf (iSNBD0 section)
Color Planes Not Available
Color Table Entries 4294967296
Resolution 1920 x 1080 x 60 hertz
Bits/Pixel 32
Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\igdkmd64.sys (, 11.70 MB (12,273,408 bytes), 10/6/2011 6:06 PM)

Name PlayOn Virtual Audio Device
Manufacturer MediaMall Technologies, Inc.
Status OK
Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\povrtdev.sys (5.2.3669.1, 27.86 KB (28,528 bytes), 3/29/2012 12:28 AM)
Name Realtek High Definition Audio
Manufacturer Realtek
Status OK
PNP Device ID HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0662&SUBSYS_103C2AC2&REV_1001\4&5A2DC59&0&0001
Driver c:\windows\system32\drivers\rtkvhd64.sys (, 2.75 MB (2,881,256 bytes), 10/6/2011 6:06 PM)
My install of it (in Windows 7 64 bit) seems to run like a dream except for in the areas that have the floating green ghosts in the sky, particularly the ruins right before the quarry near Tien's Landing. As well as trying XP compatibility mode as suggested in Khalan's links, you might try patching the application to use 4 gigs of RAM instead of 2 for somewhat improved performance in these areas.
Post edited November 23, 2013 by rawmilk905
Poulscath: I seem to be getting that stuttering.
So am I. And none of the possible solutions I've found seem to work.

Guess I'll have to ask for a refund. A shame, really; I was getting all worked up when I finally saw it in a flash sale.
I've not had any success either, including the various suggested methods; turning off ClampFPS; forcing various settings GPU-side; rebooting; using or not using D3D.

It's a real shame since it's such a wonder game, but it's just unplayable. It'll have to be a refund unfortunately.
For reference: I'm running Windows 8.1

I've had a really wacky stuttering issue crop up all of a sudden!

I played through the majority of two chapters without any issues whatsoever -- the game ran perfectly, animations were smooth, all was well. And then I ran into the "Pirate Workshop" glitch, which is mentioned a few threads down from here. Two pirates get "stuck" in an area, and you can't progress. So I downloaded the fan patch to move them. It worked. Pirates moved. Huzzah.

Except now the animations are all stuttering like crazy (even though gameplay and timing is still functional -- purely an animation issue).

So I remove the fan patch. ...And the stuttering remains.

It even shows up in old saves that had never been touched while the patch was active.

I may try reinstalling the game and hope that my save files will still work as intended, since I made a save after the glitch issue. Otherwise.... I'm not sure what to do. The glitch makes the game unplayable, and the glitch-fix messed up the animations!
Post edited June 29, 2014 by lenabotse
Well, Konrad from gog has been very helpful and managed to resolve the issue for me, eventually by following this advice.

However, I've since re-enabled everything that I disabled and am yet to find the culprit, so I'm afraid I can't do more than that.

However, I did notice an Nvidia 3D service was running, one that I can't re-enable now (not having 3D) so perhaps that was it..

Good luck solving the problem, all!
I played it on Windows 8.1 and it was completely smooth. I've voiced my criticisms about this game in other threads, but stuttering wasn't among them.

This on a modern tower, multicore CPU, real GPU, etc. Jade Empire runs smoothly on a modern machine with the latest Windows OS.
I have this issue too. Restarting the game doesn't resolve the problem, but rebooting does.