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I think it would be a good idea, if in the creation window the full picture of the minion, instead of just the shadow, is shown when you fill in the parts and not only for a second or so when you create.
Most of the minions look too good to never be seen unless they are in the active party.
That's a nice point. I can understand the silhouette until you've unlocked the monster for creation, but they really did some great artwork, why hide it during creation?

A recent thought I've had is that it might be nice if there was a minion that could buff an ally to ignore armor/resistance for a few turns (if there is already, I've overlooked it and please correct me). The reason for this is that the Wardens on floor 4 cannot be debuffed, and while I appreciate that from a difficulty perspective, it becomes a nuisance gradually wearing them down when the battle is already unofficially won. I can understand if they think that's a game-breaking buff, just wondered what others think. I know Iratus spells can be used (although the armor/resistance limits them some), and the Zombie and Black Widow can ignore armor (BW only with the one upgrade to her spider attack), but it would be interesting to have some other viable options for physical attacks rather than trying to raise attack power (I know stress attacks still work even though curses won't persist)*.

One other pet-peeve I'd like to mention is that I think the Unfrozen's ability to freeze and heal an ally should be considered a buff not a debuff. I've tried to use this on the Skeleton, which I've regularly used to defend other minions, and it doesn't work even if I have the Skeleton's item that permits buffs.

Great game overall though, really well-done by the development team.

*Edited note: I just realized that the Lich has a move that can eliminate armor/resistance without it having to be a debuff (the poison gas cloud).
Post edited January 22, 2022 by gamingrn