Necro-threading a bit but, for the undecided, this title is much, much better than DUKE3D.
It sounds like I'm trolling but I honest-to-goodness don't understand why this should at all be a controversial statement : of course it's better than DN3D - we've got 20+ years of accumulated know-how in game design. Thinking this game can or should only be lesser than its predecessors is an idea I honestly don't understand - it's like being against progress itself. I figure it's probably more of a statement on the last decade's slump in game design than anything, and this is where I do agree with the sentiment: ION FURY has so much more going for it than DOOM ETERNAL that I can only shake my head.
(For my money, in point of fact, THE GATE for DN3D is the way to go, plus or minus a level or two: Tannhauser Gate alone is better than the entire original base game.)
Now ION FURY is no DUSK, that's true, but then again there is only one DUSK - as I painfully learned when I launched AMID-EVIL.
Big, sprawling levels with lots of varied enemies; amazing visual flair; terrific flow across levels and episodes; great music and lots of secrets to discover. The alt-fire on the Loverboy is nearly worth the play! I cannot recommend it enough, if you are a fan of pure shooters.
(Ducking torches and pitchforks)
[edited for clarity]
Post edited September 22, 2022 by SirVincealot