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VERSIONS 1.0.1 - 1.0.13:

- fixed a spot where the player could get stuck on in Mob Corporate Front
- fixed switching to specific weapons while carrying a body allowing you to move at full speed
- fixed bad loading of status effects on enemies, resulting in issues such as enemies not losing consciousness when gassed or tranquilized, then saving, and reloading the savefile after quitting to the main menu
- fixed a crash that could have occured with non-standard gamepads
- fixed a crash that could occur when climbing over tall walls
- fixed a crash that could occur related to enemy states when resetting to last save
- fixed being able to get stuck in one of the toilets in "Pablo's Hideout"
- fixed the HUD not showing if dying when the inventory screen is open, until the player would open the inventory screen again
- fixed one of the keycard pickups not unlocking the last keycard door in "Office Building, Top Floor"
- the game will no longer list or load savefiles from the Steam playtest (8 months ago!), which would cause crashes

- fixed a crash related to the actor tile occupancy grid
- fixed pedestrian NPCs sometimes being invisible
- fixed pedestrians counting as enemies for achievements involving kills by fire and gas grenade knockouts
- fixed bad savegame validity evaluation (regression introduced in the previous patch) - now savefiles will properly be evaluated as correct/incorrect
- the "Make noise" action will now take ambient noise level into account, but will not exceed it if it is too high
- reorganized tables in one of the offices in "Gang Hideout" to prevent cases of enemies getting stuck in world geometry
- empty magazines made concealable

- the "Load map" menu is now disabled until the player has completed the game at least once, to prevent players from mistakenly beginning a playthrough through that menu, finishing the game, and then being confused as to why they didn't unlock certain completion achievements, and didn't receive New Game+
- fixed incorrect alpha value on flashes
- fixed flare gun projectiles having a visible projectile
- fixed impossible to grab ammo next to Auto 5 in "Gang Hideout" (fix applies when starting the level again)
- fixed a crash that could have occured when an enemy that was following someone would notice the player under certain circumstances

- Mini-Uzi made concealable in social stealth levels
- playthroughs started though the "Load map" menu will now be considered full playthroughs if the campaign was started on the first level in the list - if you have previously completed the game, but seemingly didn't unlock anything, try loading the last savefile (epilogue) from that playthrough, and finish the game - you ought to unlock everything now!
- fixed cases where starting New Game+ would not grant weapon mod blueprints that the player found in his previous playthroughs
- fixed Sean receiving Learning Capacity, instead of Steve, after finishing "Pablo's Hideout"
- fixed incorrect spelling in one of the first narration sequences
- fixed tranquilizer/gas leaving goons stuck in the "dizzy" state indefinitely, when following a certain order of actions
- fixed a softlock that could occur in the prologue if the player drank soda while going towards Sean's apartment door
- fixed problems with the player state when conditions for the objective are met, while the player is in a vent shaft or a closet, and the finished objective leads to a cutscene
- fixed a typo in one of the first narration sequences in the english localization
- russian localization tweaks
- preventing level restarts on Hideout now, to avoid various progression-related issues
- the game will now start in fullscreen mode, instead of windowed, on first game launch

- fixed crashes caused by flare gun projectiles and flashbangs under certain circumstances
- fixed a potential crash when enemies would call in reinforcements
- fixed a potential crash when the objective intended to be marked on the HUD was not on the level anywhere
- fixed unloading the VP9 in "Prologue. Steve's place" considering the objective to pick up the pistol as finished
- fixed incorrect task text in epilogue in one of the endings
- updated LuaJIT to latest github version
- russian localization tweaks

- fixed picking up a throwable, and the cancelling the throw, kicking the player out of aiming mode while using HSR-EMP, and making it unusable until the player would switch weapons
- fixed a crash that occured when using the HSR-EMP on EG glass that did not have a switch
- fixed a crash that could occur while modding weapons, and installing a weapon mod that conflicts with an already-installed mod
- fixed a spot where the player could get stuck in "Decrepit Industrial Area"
- fixed gun reload times being much shorter if loading a savefile, in which the weapon was being reloaded when it was made
- potential fix for followers indefinitely climbing over the same window

- fixed a crash caused by goons exiting their scene state in some particular circumstances
- fixed a crash that occurred when the player was preparing to kick a door, and something destroyed it
- fixed the "Get X ammo" prompt appearing in cases when it shouldn't following a reset to last save point
- fixed a typo in epilogue

- fixed a softlock that occured in the hideout when flashbanging Steve
- fixed goons with no weapons becoming unresponsive when they would be flashbanged
- fixed goons sometimes reacting to patrols that are not missing, when following a particular course of actions
- fixed rate of fire in loadout menu not being updated when ammo types are switched
- fixed incorrect objective pickup name on "Gang Hideout" across all non-english localizations
- fixed being able to freely pan the camera during dialogue with Steve, if the player had selected a weapon to switch to right before dialogue
- fixed the night vision effect disappearing when changing the camera zoom offset, while night vision goggles are active
- applying a small delay to switching from running to walking animations, to prevent rapid switching between walking and running animations, resulting in weird-loking animation playback, if the actor's movement speed is quickly altering between run-state, and walk-state
- crashlogs will now include map name, player state and player coordinates at time of crash
- russian localization fixes

- achievement fixes:
* fixed "True Pacifist" achievement not unlocking under certain circumstances (if the player had killed at least 1 enemy on levels played as Sean)
* fixed money-related achievements not pending an unlock check when starting a new playthrough in New Game+
* the game now tracks all kills (enemies killing enemies and followers killing enemies as player kills) as player-made kills, to prevent cases where enemy friendly fire would lock the player out of the "Duality of Man", "Wetworks", and "Punisher" achievements
* these fixes are, unfortunately, not possible to apply retroactively, and getting "Duality of Man" will require playing through the campaign again, since enemy friendly fire did not count as player kills, and even a single enemy dying in enemy friendly fire disqualified the player from the achievement

- rewrote the way the game handles tracking object data between saves, to support retroactive additions of new objects to existing levels saved on previous versions of the game - this was done to further adjust game levels in the future
- fixed goons returning fire/laying down suppressive fire in an excessive manner
- fixed a crash that could occur when loading into a savefile while taking damage
- fixed two crashes related to weapons when dying and resetting after being in combat/etc.
- fixed a crash that occured when changing the game resolution under certain circumstances
- fixed incorrect native resolution display across all but english and russian localizations
- fixed "gun kills" tool usage counting for more than 1 per each shotgun pellet that hit an actor in the same frame
- fixed goons not being of the proper height and physical properties when knocked down and immediately knocked out
- fixed the description for the "Auto-grab ammo" difficulty mutator
- when finishing a game on the "Custom" difficulty, the game will now log all unlocks for the "Normal" and below difficulties (previously it didn't unlock anything)
- the "Custom" difficulty will now draw unlocks for New Game+ from difficulties "Normal" and below (was from "True")
- goons now lose all their velocity when knocked out, to prevent tunneling into walls/obstacles
- reverted back to LuaJIT 2.0.5 - I suspect some of the issues regarding AI pathfinding arise from bugs in LuaJIT 2.1

- the "Duality of Man" no longer requires the player to kill everyone on "Mob Corporate Front", as that level was causing confusion, since the player first played as Steve, and later as Sean, along with additional fixes to make it work as intended
- fixed being unable to select ammo if quickly spamming the inventory key binding
- fixed a crash related to the inventory screen
- fixed a crash that could have occurred when equipping some weapons with specific weapon mods
- fixed being able to kick the door leading to Jacob's room open with the right mouse button when unarmed
- fixed changing the movement speed, while holding down the sprint key, influencing the movement speed
- fixed the follower marker not appearing in some cases after resetting to last save
- russian localization fixes
- chinese localization fixes

- fixed a crash that could occur related to goons waiting for grenades
- fixed a crash that occurred when installing firemode-altering weapon mods on weapons in a very particular fashion
- "Throwback" difficulty now further reduces damage taken by the player
- minor Portuguese localization tweaks (there will be more in the future)
- updated LOVE2D to 11.5 (was 11.4)

- fixed "Duality of Man" achievement requiring the player to NOT kill anyone as Steve on "Pablo's Hideout" - players that have recently been playing through the game to unlock this achievement are encouraged to load up their most up-to-date savefile, and finish the game; this fix is applicable retroactively, and does not require playing through the game from the beginning again

- implemented a gib reuse feature, to prevent crashes from too many gibs in the game world
- fixed incorrect impact gib velocity on quick reset
- fixed incorrect wall impact hit particle count on non-ricochet wall hits
VERSION 1.0.14 - 1.0.15:

- fixed a crash that could have occurred in the dynamic lighting system
- fixed cases when actors would tunnel through objects/walls if their death animation moved their physical body
- fixed key bind states not being reset if the keys are let go of in the in-game pause menu
- fixed an infinite noisemaker/tazer mine bug
- fixed noisemakers/tazer mines thrown on Office Floor, Ground Floor not being triggerable after getting back from Office Floor, Top Floor
- fixed slo-mo not disabling when finishing a level, resulting in slow-motion narration and various UI actions
- hovering the mouse over the tip display makes it more transparent, like the rest of the HUD
- ALT+ENTER now works in the main menu for the purpose of switching between fullscreen and windowed screen modes

- fixed a crash that could occur when changing the resolution with night vision goggles turned on (regression introduced in one of the previous patches)
- fixed a crash that could occur when NPCs would try to warn each other of the player's presence
- fixed a crash that could occur when turning off the lights in an area with NPCs on social stealth levels
- fixed being able to quicksave during a mission failure state
- fixed semi-transparent tips on loading screen
- fixed followers hearing the player make noise counting as "times heard"
- fixed the "radio jammed" icon displaying indefinitely when knocking out a goon that has their radio jammed
- fixed breaking lamps after turning off the breaker box controlling them still causing the lamps to flicker, as if they were powered
- added handling of corrupt savefiles to prevent game crashes on game load
- russian localization tweaks
VERSION 1.0.16 -

- fixed a crash that could have occurred when enemies were blindfiring

- fixed a crash that occurred when saving the game during a door bash, and then loading that save
- fixed a crash that occurred when changing the resolution while viewing through security cameras
- fixed a crash that could have occurred if the player saved the game while a follower was climbing over an obstacle, loaded the savefile, and had the follower attack someone
- fixed a potential issue with NPC logic which could mark them as avoiding certain objects forever
- fixed an issue with a follower NPC on Dilapidated Complex
- fixed loading a savefile while watching a security camera leaving the noise effect active
- fixed funny things happening if the player managed to kill Jacob before the cutscene
- added a missing auto-save junction on Oleander's Objective
- improved pathfinding for followers, which should reduce instances of NPCs getting stuck somewhere
- improved pathfinding for all AI - enemies ought to get stuck less often now
- tweaked pathfinding to make AI more prone to avoiding tight spaces
- tweaked the way goons avoid obstacles
- time until a missing patrol is noticed increased from 55 seconds to 80

- fixed incorrect sprite used for the objective compromising material pickup on "Gang Hideout"
- fixed incorrect follower state in Decrepit Industrial Area, which caused enemies to shoot at him (regression introduced in previous patch, fix is not retroactive, will be applied on next map load)
- improved pathfinding queueing and cancellation, which can potentially fix cases where enemies would stop moving on very slow/old CPUs

- fixed the game crashing on startup if the user had a very large amount of savefiles and improved savefile handling to reduce memory usage (thanks to ~Enstinck~ for the bug report!)
- sped up launching of the game with a lot of savefiles by limiting the savefiles which get evaluated for the "Continue" button
VERSION 1.0.20 - 1.0.23:
- fixed incorrect weapon lethality display in the loadout menu
- fixed a crash that could have occurred when resetting to last save under the right circumstances
- fixed problems with the bad ending if skipping the cutscene
- switch to using LuaJIT 2.1 again (was 2.0.5) since it wasn't causing any issues

- fixed a spot the player could get stuck on in Oleander's Objective
- fixed the cutscene room door not closing in Mob Corporate Front when triggering the cutscene
- fixed incorrect sprites used for some money pickups on Dilapidated Complex
- fixed being able to get out of some of the windows in Epilogue, Floor 6
- improved handling of many savefiles, to prevent the game freezing when opening the "load save" menu with lots and lots of savefiles
- re-enabled optimal LuaJIT 2.1 optimization flags, for slightly better performance

- fixed a crash that could have occurred when a goon would finish a task, and still had one more task in queue, and switch to a different AI state
- fixed a crash related to NPCs interacting with doors
- adjusted LuaJIT optimization flags

- when all gadget slots are now full, the throwing knife will no longer say "no free gadget slots", and will instead attempt to swap with a gadget the player currently has
- slightly increased subsonic ammo damage for 5.56x45MM and 7.62x51MM
- the AN-94 now starts firing in full-auto with a two-shot burst mode on the first trigger pull
- fixed the ammo selection UI not closing when opening the in-game pause menu, which could lead to crashes and visual glitches
- fixed PKC-EMP displaying that it's loud (it's not)
- fixed goons being freaked out by turning off lamps that are currently disrupted
- fixed mod blueprints not being counted in the "money found" level results panel
- fixed unique weapon pickups not granting an extra savefile if the player picked up a unique weapon, and then reset to last save point (not loaded a savefile)
- fixed incorrect height value on the throwing knife when thrown
- fixed the throwing knife colliding with burning barrels and floor lamps
- russian localization tweaks