Changelog for update 1.06 / GOG-3 (added 27.07.2015):
- Includes updates from patches 1.05b and 1.05c.
NEW (1.06):
- "Current crew" screen on the side of the screen for easier visiblity of crewmen. Visible/usable in space and on planets
- Shift + click now works for selecting crewmen
- Crew hotkeys (shift +num for crew 1-10, ctrl +num crew 11-20, TAB to cycle)
- Changed the way crew go on/off ships(too many edge cases)
- Adjusted some item drops from space combat
- Slightly adjusted flight time of guns in space combat
- Adjusted the speed of the crew guns
- Adjusted some planet enemies
- Added ship hotkeys (arrow keys to go left/right in your fleet)
- Buy 10 button
- Buy 100 button
FIXED (1.06):
- Kaidun corvette now has its elevator in the right spot
- Fixed a bug where enemy ships capable of self repair... didn't.
- Radiation event now correctly sets female characters to male.
- Ships will no longer get their name cut off on the fleet menu
- Ships should now properly deselect during combat
- Fixed a crash for certain guns with high ammo
- Fixed a bug where stacks could only go to 99
- Fixed a bug where everytime you talked to someone to hire crew, their available crew would always re-randomize
NEW (1.05C):
- Adjusted a few enemy ships
- Added option to skip intro
FIXED (1.05C):
- Fixed a bug with crewmen racial (Sholdro) data not saving, causing problems with loading the game/corrupted save files
- Crew/station tooltips now longer show through ship menu
- Special/unique NPC's (such as the dogs) can now be renamed
- Adjusted Kibou Dialogue
- Fixed a bug with one of the rarer hidden hireables
- Corrected water's tooltip
- Reduced camera speed at fast forward
- Equipping the srill to your drone should no longer cause problems
- Camera will no longer lock to a crewmen when pressing tab
- Adjusted some odd text during the tutorial
FIXED (1.05b):
- ROGUE QUEEN should no longer bug out
- Fixed a crash where sprites sometimes wouldn't load in planet phase (inventory) causing a crash
- Fixed an issue where players were somehow able to put more energy into the ship or ship systems than the game supported, causing a crash
- Fixed a crash sometimes when hovering stations after deselecting crewmen
- Fix artillery description
- Snow should now save properly :)
- Fixed a bug where the disintegrator wouldn't save properly
- Adjusted a few typos
- Quest log item to begin first quest is added to your game on a "skip tutorial" game
- Oloke not progressing (it is, it's just sometimes the dialogue that says how awesome you are is scrolled too quickly, and so added a pause in the text box to make sure you see it)