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Hello everyone!

We are excited to announce that the new major and free! 1.6 update for Interstellar Space: Genesis is now available to all players!

The new features and improvements include New Victory Conditions, balance tweaks, many QoL improvements, bug fixes, and more!

You can find all the details and the full change log for this new update here.

We hope you enjoy the new free 1.6 update!

Have fun!
Adam Solo
Praxis Games
Absolutely fantastic, thanks a lot!
Always good to see something new for this.
Hello everyone!

It's been about a week since we released the free 1.6 update. We hope you are enjoying this major new update with all its new features and improvements!

In the meantime, we've been listening to your feedback, so here's a patch that fixes some issues.

Saves from version 1.6 are 100% compatible with this new version. So, you can proceed with your games normally. If you're playing a game started with an older version (1.5.3), those saves should be compatible as well, but it's advisable to start new games. If you wish, you can revert to the 1.5.3 version to finish your ongoing game with that version. See here how (look for the "Compatibility and finishing an ongoing game" section).

Thanks a lot to everyone who has bought the game, and the expansions, and has been providing feedback! If you haven't bought the Natural Law expansion yet, please consider buying as it adds 2 very nice playable races to the game, that will have their own Evolution tree with the Evolving Empires expansion, among other features and music tracks. The Evolving Empires expansion adds two major new features: Evolutions and Minor Civilizations. It also includes 7 new leaders and 2 new music tracks. If you have a few minutes to spare, and have been enjoying what we do, please leave us a review on GOG! ❤️

Have fun!
Praxis Games

VERSION 1.6.1 (changelog)

- The 'Theory of Everything' knowledge culture perk now offers 3 free random techs, and not 2, as before. This perk needed a bit more punch.
- The ‘Deep Space Initiative’ knowledge culture perk now only requires the player to own 10 systems to grant an extra free remote exploration. Previously (introduced in version 1.6), 15 systems were required. Therefore, this perk should now be more enticing than before.

- The 'Megacorporations' wealth culture perk now shows in the tooltip how many BCs are expected to be gained if the perk is chosen.
- The 'Space Socialites' adventure perk now shows in the tooltip how many extra culture points are expected to be gained if the perk is chosen.
- The conquest, wonder, and science victory conditions' icons were tweaked to be consistent with the other victory conditions' icons, graphics-wise.
- The 'Change Music' button in the 'Game Settings' screen is now presented only during the game, and not when accessing the game's settings from the main menu, since the music can only be changed while playing.
- Unlocking the 'Resilient Colonists' unique ability now triggers a "Colonization is possible" notification to be issued if colonies become colonizable after the ability becomes ready to be used.

- Fixed a bug that was causing an ally to became upset when their request for peace didn't go through with a third party, even after the requested empire had accepted to consider the peace deal (not their fault the third party didn't accept). The ally now acknowledges and gets happy with the request being accepted, whatever the decision of the third party.
- Fixed a rare bug that could generate an erroneous notification about an interrogation report obtained after a successful invasion, when no invasion had occurred but rather a system had been offered.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the game to not launch properly if there were files present in the custom races folder (C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\Races) that were not XML.
- Fixed an issue that caused new scanner technology to not immediately update the empire's supply pool after the technology was acquired through a technology exchange. Now, the supply range borders are expanded immediately after.
- Fixed an issue in the Colonization summary tooltip (raised when hovering the mouse over a colonizable planet) where one of the notes was not shown when the planet reached full scan.
- Fixed an issue that could reveal the destinations of rival fleets without the player having the required scanner technology in the 'Overlapping Fleet' panel, which arises when multiple fleets are present in close proximity to each other.
Evolving Empires
- Fixed a bug in the Human affinity's 'Multi-dimensional war' evolution perk that was causing the morale penalty to still hold even after the enemy with the perk had been totally vanquished. Now, the morale penalty is removed after the player is removed from the game.