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Some planets won't select.
As I've gotten to be a huge empire, I'm starting to have bugs with selecting certain planets. I'll get the message a planet has nothing in it's queue, so I click the icon, but instead of the listed planet, it brings up another one. When I click on the planet on the list on the left, where I can see it's not producing anything, again, it shows a different planet.

There's 2-3 planets in my empire than I can't seem to select for some reason, it always shows me a different planet (usually the last one I'd selected before clicking the planet in question).
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AdamTaylor: Some planets won't select.
As I've gotten to be a huge empire, I'm starting to have bugs with selecting certain planets. I'll get the message a planet has nothing in it's queue, so I click the icon, but instead of the listed planet, it brings up another one. When I click on the planet on the list on the left, where I can see it's not producing anything, again, it shows a different planet.

There's 2-3 planets in my empire than I can't seem to select for some reason, it always shows me a different planet (usually the last one I'd selected before clicking the planet in question).
Hi, thanks for your feedback. Could you please send me a save file to so I could check what the issue may be with those planets? What planets are those by the way?

Save files can be found in this folder: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG\

Post edited April 30, 2023 by Adam Solo
Don't remember the planets off hand. And it seems to change now and then. So sometimes the planets aren't unselectable, other times it's different ones. Not sure what's actually happening.
I'll try to get you my save file.
Big thanks to the company for fixing this bug. You guys rock.
Thanks for sending the save. The issues you were having are not a result of a bug but an effect of manipulating the game via cheat engine tables, as we've discussed via email.

Changing values in the game via cheat engines may have these kinds of unpredictable effects. Even what seem like simple changes, like changing a planet type may result in errors.

If you're having fun this way, then that's all fine. However, please understand that I will not be able to support further glitches or errors you may report because they would be very likely the result of changes to the game via cheats.

Have fun!