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Hello everyone!

We're proud to announce that the next major free update! for ISG is now available for public testing on GOG's unstable Beta branch!

Please note that 1.3 unstable is an optional beta update. If you want to help test it alongside us you have to manually opt in to get access. In GOG Galaxy choose the ISG game card, then Options -> Manage Installation -> Configure -> Beta channels -> Select 'Add private channel' -> Insert password: betatesting and then select the "unstable" beta channel, which will be available from the channels dropdown. The game will then update and you'll be able to start playing with the new additions and improvements. To return to the version of the game currently in production you just need to revert to 'Disabled' beta channel.

1.3 highlights include the brand new Surrender Pact feature! With this new diplomacy treaty, you can now subjugate a rival into a surrender pact, and obtain benefits from it, instead of having to completely wipe it out of the game. Check the release note below for all the details! Also in 1.3 we now have the new Alliance Victory condition, where allies win together.

GOG Achievements were also added to the game! There are 57 achievements, which include 3 hidden ones and 7 for the first expansion pack, Natural Law. The achievements are also displayed in-game in a dedicated 'Achievements' screen.

There's also a ton of major AI improvements, a new diplomacy screen now in full screen, performance improvements, a new UI-scale slider option, QoL improvements, bug fixes, and much more.

We will be monitoring your reports for major bugs in the next few weeks and fixing them. Please report them in this thread, on our official forums, on our Discord server, or if you prefer just send an email to (or contact form here) with a save and the Player and Player-prev log files you can find in this folder: C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\LocalLow\Praxis Games\ISG

Compatibility note: Saves from previous versions are not compatible with 1.3 unstable.

That's it for now. Thanks everyone for reading and for the support!

Version 1.3 unstable - Release Note

Check this update's release note on our official forums.
Post edited June 03, 2021 by Adam Solo
Small update to 1.3 unstable released

A small update to the 1.3 unstable beta is up! This is version 1.3 unstable 2.

The changes were the following:

- New "Balanced (no ships)" colony AI governor filter added allows for balanced colony automation but without ships being constructed by the AI.
- Bomber bays and fighter bays now factored in the auto-resolve calculations.
- Tribute deals are now automatically cancelled when war is declared.
- The leader, orbital station, and colony automation icons in the colony overview panel entries have been retouched for better contrast.

Compatibility note: Save games are fully compatible with the previous version (1.3 unstable).

I remind that the 1.3 update is not yet available for everyone. To play the '1.3 unstable 2' version you need to manually opt in to get access. In GOG Galaxy choose the ISG game card, then Options -> Manage Installation -> Configure -> Beta channels -> Select 'Add private channel' -> Insert password: betatesting and then select the "unstable" beta channel, which will be available from the channels dropdown. The game will then update and you'll be able to start playing with the new additions and improvements. To return to the version of the game currently in production you just need to revert to 'Disabled' beta channel.

If you find any issue or bug please let us know.

Post edited June 05, 2021 by Adam Solo
One more small update to the 1.3 unstable beta is now available! This is version 1.3 unstable 3.

These were the changes:

- Fixed an issue that was causing hangs when searching ruins in some specific cirscunstances (tentative)
- Fixed a bug that was causing an incorrect notification to be displayed when constructing a colony base
- The 'Weapon range' and 'enemy ship targetable area' overlays in space combat are now also displayed selectively by hovering over each weapon.
- Fixed a bug when fighting a space monster the game could hang when the overlays were active [Hotfix]

Compatibility note: Save games are fully compatible with the previous version (1.3 unstable 2).

I remind that the 1.3 update is not yet available for everyone. To play the '1.3 unstable 3' version you need to manually opt in to get access. In GOG Galaxy choose the ISG game card, then Options -> Manage Installation -> Configure -> Beta channels -> Select 'Add private channel' -> Insert password: betatesting and then select the "unstable" beta channel, which will be available from the channels dropdown. The game will then update and you'll be able to start playing with the new additions and improvements. To return to the version of the game currently in production you just need to revert to 'Disabled' beta channel.

If you find any issue or bug please let us know.
Post edited June 07, 2021 by Adam Solo