Posted Yesterday
This is just to inform and update: a previous post here mentioned a possible fan-made mod/patch for this game. He has one for download at if I can post this here. Otherwise check steam forums for the game link.
I also have not tested this myself yet; would not even buy the game if I could not find at least something more up to date for it. The modder says he also has help now from a couple of the original Russian developers; but present posted is for the English version, says it should work with GOG too. So, get it soon if You like before possilbly he only has them for the Russian language version. He does plan on another release he says.
I also have not tested this myself yet; would not even buy the game if I could not find at least something more up to date for it. The modder says he also has help now from a couple of the original Russian developers; but present posted is for the English version, says it should work with GOG too. So, get it soon if You like before possilbly he only has them for the Russian language version. He does plan on another release he says.