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Kovi: Feidlimid: Your issue really relates to the fact that you don't have enough popularity with Tinthan for him to answer you, and there really was a condition for this state missing in Tinthan's dialogue script. The dev deleted the popularity condition and the dialogue is working fine with your save now.
That's great news. Thanks again to grui4 for sending my save to you and obviously thank you guys for fixing the issue :).

Kovi: BTW: We never said we wouldn't support Inquisitor. In fact, we have been preparing a new patch since the day the game was released and new issues started to come in. It's just the matter of what we can and cannot fix:-/
That's also definitely good news, I wish you guys luck and I hope you'll be able to fix most of those issues.
I actually found him to tell him his name is cleared and he told me I can use him if I need to steal something... Now when I need him he is nowhere to be found (not near the fountain in west part of city). Without letters, I cannot progress further...

fouytr: Tinthan has completely disappeared in my game. I have burnt the three heretics, found tom clifford, killed de Weerin, made a deal with the master paladin, found the hammer, found the foundation stone. I cleared tinthans name with the innkeeper and the duke after i killed the three heretics and now tinthan has disappeared. I checked the wasteland many times, not there, and also west glatzburg. I cant progress without the letters that Truncquillius has. Is this a game killer? Or is there something else that you have to do to get Tinthan to appear in West Glastzburg?

Note: I have not been able to find him to tell him that he ahs been cleared.
The devs say that Tinthan should act like this:
- After you relieve him of charge, he should move to West Glatzburg (square with a fountain, in front of Raimond Ventano's house).
- After you ask him to steal the letters, he should move to the royal garden house.

They also say that it should be working because it was tested countless times, but in case Tinthan really disappears you can bring him back with this console command:
\addbeing_afriend Tinthan -1 -1
-1 -1 means he will be spawned to your current position
Thank you, this solved the problem!
When I inputted the code (when I was near fountain), code didn't work, but once I moved to different map, code worked.

If this can help developers to define why this bug appeared:
In my game I run away from knight that came once bishop is murdered near gazebo (so that dialog was never triggered) and I never spoke to Cardinal (I didn't realized at all there was a door to the right in church) but once I start talking to Cardinal it was late as Tinthan was not near the fountain .

Thank you!!!
I also had this issue and the console command worked, it allowed me to talk to Tinthan and ask him to acquire the cardinals letters for me. But after that he gave me a quest for a town I have yet to go to, and I am unable to get his testimony in order to burn harp and get that sweet duke promotion. Is there any console command I can use to get around this? I tried spawning Tinthan in other places but all he asks me is "if I've found the magic oil to make him beautiful yet."
sheomad: I also had this issue and the console command worked, it allowed me to talk to Tinthan and ask him to acquire the cardinals letters for me. But after that he gave me a quest for a town I have yet to go to, and I am unable to get his testimony in order to burn harp and get that sweet duke promotion. Is there any console command I can use to get around this? I tried spawning Tinthan in other places but all he asks me is "if I've found the magic oil to make him beautiful yet."
Unfortunately I don't know any console command that could help you with this. But maybe you are just missing something and by completing a different quest you will be able to move on.
Is there anybody still playing this game? This game drives me crazy :(
So, I needed to check the walkthrough in order to find where Im stucked at.
At the end of ACT II
The Second Summoning*
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Raimond - done
- torture him - done
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Ethien if you have already completed the quest "Finding the Chain" - done
- torture him - done
- speak with Tinthan about the murderer of the bishop - done
- ask Welhar for permission to arrest Yulliete - I CAN NOT ask for this, can not accuse Yuliette and I cant ask Tinthan to steal the letters. What should I do? I can not proceed with the game and its extremly frustrating.
Thank you
Post edited October 19, 2023 by vigoczki
vigoczki: - ask Welhar for permission to arrest Yulliete - I CAN NOT ask for this, can not accuse Yuliette and I cant ask Tinthan to steal the letters. What should I do? I can not proceed with the game and its extremly frustrating.
You need three pieces of evidence if you want to obtain an arrest warrant for Yulliette Heidrick from judge Welfhar – a confession from Dietrich („Dietrich the gravedigger confessed that he was paid for supplying Grand Duchess Yulliette Heidrick with a corpse…“), a confession from Raimond Ventano („When put to torture, the merchant Raimond Ventano pled guilty to the kidnapping of Francessca Gulvardi…“) and a confession from Ethien de Pasque („Commander Ethien de Pasque confessed under pain of torture that he sold his soul to Satan…“).

And you can ask Tinthan to steal the letters only after you have tortured Yulliette and received the respective quest (“I must retrieve the letters Cardinal Truncquillius carries on his person at any cost…).