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I've already posted about "friendly" townspeople immediately attacking me and my party when we enter Hillbrandt:
Since then, I've been through one instance of my companions leaving me and attacking NPCs for no reason, and another of NPCs (including named ones) attacking us for no reason.

When we were attacked this time, I decided to stay and fight back just to see what would happen. We wound up killing two priests, two guards and a commoner. (Oh man, I'm really going to hell now.)

When the attack first started, my comrades and I managed to fight them off and run into the church. The angry mob followed us.

We may have killed one or more NPCs in the church. I was unable to see what was going on very clearly.

Next, we went back outside and did the hack-and-slash routine on more of our attackers. Then suddenly, all of the violence stopped.

I was unable to tell whether we'd killed anyone while in the church. I looked, but didn't see any bodies or dropped items. However, after we'd left town and returned a couple of times, F4 revealed a combat staff, seal, ring and potion on the floor of the church just inside the door, where we'd been fighting. But if there were any bodies, I still couldn't find them.

None of the other NPCs has mentioned the five dead bodies on the ground in the town square. The soldiers and commoner all dropped items. I've left the items where they landed.

No cleric (or anyone else) has chewed us out for killing priests. In fact, no one seems to know the bodies are there at all. The townsfolk simply go about their business as usual.

Is killing Hillbrandt inhabitants with impunity supposed to be possible, or might this be a bug?

Later on, I wanted to talk to Jeremiah. We couldn't find him. He wasn't in his usual spot outside the church. We looked all over Hillbrandt. No Jeremiah.

This is a stretch, but I'm wondering if he might have been someone we killed inside the church. There are still no bodies visible there. Surely someone must have been killed, though, because items had been dropped on the floor. Or maybe not, considering the items didn't show up right away. At this point, I just don't know.

If Jeremiah is indeed dead, there goes the rest of the game. I won't be able to complete Act One (which I feel as though I've been playing most of my life now) without him.

I'd lose a considerable amount of progress if I loaded a savegame to get Jeremiah back, and I'd really rather not do that. Has this happened to anyone else?

Moving right along... At one point, I discovered that all of my previously exhausted conversations with others had been dumped. Also, some (but not all) of my quests were gone. So I had to talk to everyone again. I even had to go through dialog for some of the quests I'd previously accepted that hadn't vanished.

Also at that time, automaps for all locations except Hillbrandt reverted back to their unexplored state. I had to go traipsing around locations I'd already visited to get the maps to display fully again.

Could I have inadvertently done something to cause all (or at least some) of this stuff to happen?

Another thing I mentioned in my other post is my character getting stuck behind the bar at the inn in Hillbrandt. This has occurred two more times. One of those times, my companions were stuck with me. It sure was crowded back there.

My character would also get stuck in the wedge of the inn’s open door trying to enter. The door opens outward, and my character would go between the door and the outer wall rather than through the open doorway.

Twice (so far), when we've left the inn, Diabolus has stayed behind for no discernible reason. We've had to go back and get him.

There seems to be some bad mojo going on between me and that infernal inn.

Now here's something else. After I'd found the girl's body lying in the pentagram and taken it, I was subsequently able to take it again. Am I supposed to have two of them?

In view of all of the snags I keep hitting, I'm wondering if the game is worth continuing. I mean, I've been playing on-and-off since Sept. 12th and I'm still in Act One!

I'd love to finish the game. Despite its problems, I've become rather attached to it. But it appears to be so buggy that the amount of time and effort required to do so could be prohibitive. I suppose I'll just have to think it over.

Meanwhile, thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help me out.
Post edited November 24, 2012 by Renfield
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Man, you really are unlucky with this game... ALL of the things you've mentioned are obviously bugs, except for the fact that no one seems to give a shit about random people you've killed. No one will ever tell you anything about it, nor acknowledge the bodies.

Companions staying behind also happened to me from time to time, but always because something was in their way and they didn't remember how to move around it for some reason. I also got stuck quite a lot when walking close to walls in dungeons, but I could break free within seconds.
charbon: Man, you really are unlucky with this game...
The story of my life... :)

Thanks for your input, charbon. It makes sense that if I can (and do) get stuck, this could also happen to my merry companions.

I did see that thread about sticking to dungeon walls; in fact, I've been spending a lot of time here looking for answers.

I've decided to try to keep going...maybe Jeremiah will pop up somewhere. I'm starting to feel like a beta tester...