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As requested by sidzanuff, here is the list of all loading tips from the game:

Locked chests and doors can be opened by weapons or spells.
Many enemies are resistant against some kind of damage. Paladin can find it out with his Enemy Estimation skill.
You must gather your party before venturing forth.
Potions in quickslots are replaced by the same potions after drinking—it is not necessary to replace them manually.
Press Alt key to show all accessible areas on the Map of the World.
Press Alt key to show up names of visible items and characters.
Throwing weapons and arrows are automatically recharged by the same weapon—it is not necessary to replace them manually.
You need exact pieces of evidence to bring an accusation against a suspect!
You need a convincing evidence to judge the accused person!
In any shop you can sell all kinds of goods. You can have your stuff repaired and unknown items identified there as well.
To arrest a suspect you need the approval of an inquisitorial prosecutor with the territorial jurisdiction—if it is not you!
In each Act you may get promoted after accomplishing a special quest for your hierarchies.
Inquisitorial prosecutor can arrest suspects without the approval of an inquisitorial prosecutor with the territorial jurisdiction.
Inquisitorial judge can try a case on his own!
Curial inquisitor can ask for the help of one inquisitorial investigator!
Commander paladin gains access to the Hillbrandt's Tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous!
Master paladin gains access to the Glatzburg's Tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous!
Seneschal paladin gains access to the Alvaron's Tower of the Brotherhood of the Righteous!
Baron can recruit one subordinated soldier to his party!
Duke can recruit two subordinated soldiers to his party!
Grand Duke can recruit three subordinated soldiers to his party!
Blindness brings a temporary disappearance of the mouse cursor!
Disorientation makes the mouse cursor shake temporarily!
You can protect yourself against all negative effects by magical items with appropriate magic abilities.
Magical boxes contain magical genies—just open the box and make a wish...
Herbwomen can transform the Devil's Root into magical elixirs that permanently add points to your abilities.
He who is interested in gambling can ask around in pubs and inns!
All important information collected during the game is automatically written down in the notebook.
A quickslot with spell or seal is activated by the appropriate short key or by double-clicking the LMB on it.
Place your favourite spells, seals and potions into quickslots on the right side of screen for easier access.
Torturing innocent people leads to the decrease of alignment!
Some doors and gates can be opened only by a lever or by a combination of levers!
You can command your party with these orders: Charge (A), Attack the target (Z), Help me (X), Stay here (G), Hold your weapons (F).
If paralyzed, use potion that removes paralyses or the largest shield you've got!
Small items, traps and hidden passages can be revealed with the Perception skill!
You can't leave the torture chamber during the interrogation. You have to send the interrogated person back to the cell first!
You can cross lava pools and other dangerous places using the Levitation spell!
Lockpicking and trap removing bring experience to the thief!
The Alchemy skill of a higher mastery level allows you to combine potions!
When arresting suspects, you have to tell them that they are under arrest. Only when they resist, you can use force to arrest them!
Assaulting innocent people is a crime that is not going to go unnoticed by the guards!
You can bring back dead party members using the Raise Dead spell!
The higher the Magic Resistance, the lower the chance of being hit by a spell!
Kovi: Torturing innocent people leads to the decrease of alignment!
According to the manual torturing always leads to a decrease of alignment no matter if the suspect is guilty or not (even when torturing is the only way to proceed in the game from time to time....), so in my opinion this loading screen message is a little bit misleading....
Post edited September 17, 2012 by LordCrash
LordCrash: According to the manual torturing always leads to a decrease of alignment no matter if the suspect is guilty or not (even when torturing is the only way to proceed in the game from time to time....), so in my opinion this loading screen message is a little bit misleading....
I'll ask the dev about this...
And I was told that the loading tip should say:

Torturing innocent people leads to severe decrease of alignment!

Which is not surprising, I guess.

BTW: If anyone has an idea of additional tips, just post them. It's easy to add them into the game in a patch.
Items can be always displayed by clicking F4.
Kovi: It's easy to add them into the game in a patch.
Is that a hint? Would be awesome!
LordCrash: Items can be always displayed by clicking F4.
Noted, thanks.
Morkar: Is that a hint? Would be awesome!
Well, we've been working on a patch since the day Inquisitor was released, but there's nothing big in it so far - a few typos and some AI issue fixed, a few changes in dialogue scripts...
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Kovi
Kovi: Well, we've been working on a patch since the day Inquisitor was released, but there's nothing big in it so far - a few typos and some AI issue fixed, a few changes in dialogue scripts...
Thanks for the reply. Good to hear the game gets support! But honestly I hoped for some rebalancing (stamina, hp, durability, some skills) and maybe some interface tweaks (e.g. using tab to switch between up to three quickactionbars or allowing to use spells right from the spellbook)
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Morkar
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Baldur's Gate anyone? =P
JankyToe: "You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Baldur's Gate anyone? =P
First and Forever :)