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So I've been through the manual, and is having some glitch where I can't download the bonus content, so I don't know there's extra game mechanic info in the PDFs...

So I guess I'll start with a couple questions I have about game mechanics and things I've noticed:

Speed: What does the speed rating of armor do? Does it speed me up/slow me down in terms of walking&running or attack rate, or does it just add some defensive value? Does it or does the armor in general affect my ability to successfully cast magic on an enemy?

Casting magic: What the heck determines *any* of my chances to hit? When I miss an enemy and get something in red saying (17%), is 17% the chance I had to successfully cast, or was that the chance of failure (I'm pretty certain that's the success chance from what I've tested)? I'm playing as a priest, and I'm up to level 10 with about 3 levels in Miracle Magic and I still can't get Word of Angel or whatever the level 1 spell is to hit diddly squat...

Poison: How do I cure it, aside from waltzing back to town and getting healed in the chapel?

Alchemy: What level of alchemy do I need to mix even the most basic of potions?

I guess if people have questions, post them here, and hopefully we can build off of eachother's knowledge. From what I've learned playing a priest, your best bet is getting into town ASAP and doing as little fighting as possible until you have a party member. And once you do have a party member, use them sigils and spells to rip things apart while your ally tanks.
On a side note: I burnt down a locked door at one point, by repeatedly using my starting fire sigil thingy (I feel dumb now). Apparently you can break them down, and even have your party member attack them using the Z key (use T key to manually attack it yourself). Dunno if it works on chests, but it was massively useful, especially after I re-loaded and beat it down with a weapon instead of wasting my precious fire-power (Zing! Puns or whatknot >.>)

Anyway, info/mechanics/questions anyone?
Alchemy is for mixing potions. I thought i will be able to mix health potion with stamina potion but No it doesn't work like that. You knows those small potions you find and also can buy that are like "bad potion of health" or "acceptable potion of dexterity" ? these are the ones you mix, and make new and better ones. I don't use them very often, it's kinda boring.

Curing can be done by spells like; Purge, which i've found it very useful. But I can't manage to cure Slowness. And it sucks! you're slowed for like 100s.!

Casting chance means you failed at 63% of making the cast. sometimes i fail at 92% when encountering some phantoms and ghosts.
Priests should spend theirs skill points on wisdom, holy aura, flagellantism,
But i've found the INSIGHT quite useless. what does it do? (I know what it does) but in the game it seems quite useless.

Speed does actually speeds you up. Priests need speed a lot! have to be fast to able to run away from the enemy clutches. And adds some armor as well. In Act 3 you'll face some really fast creatures so you'll need speed.

I wanna know if anyone is playing this game on Hard.
Post edited October 03, 2012 by waabooshi
You never fail at casting magic since buff spells always work. If you have a 17% chance of a spell working then it means that the creature has a 83% magic resistance against it. To improve your effectiveness put points into Intelligence (the stupid game doesn't say so but it improves it), Magic of Miracles, Wisdom and Holy Aura. Also be sure to get Bless, the first level Divine Magic spell all the time, it's extremely useful. Insight supposedly sucks, I never used it.

There is no way to deal with poison in those early levels. Just ignore it and drink healing pots. I think you later find antidote potions but by then you'll have 500hp and it won't matter. Purge is the most unstable spell in the game. Either it cures your poison just like that or it won't, doesn't matter if you try 40 times, really annoying.

Armor doesn't hinder spell casting.

And don't bother with the manual, it either doesn't give you any new information or will outright misinform you, like claim that Authority has an effect on companions and dialogues.
shakurajolithion: So I've been through the manual, and is having some glitch where I can't download the bonus content, so I don't know there's extra game mechanic info in the PDFs...

So I guess I'll start with a couple questions I have about game mechanics and things I've noticed:

Speed: What does the speed rating of armor do? Does it speed me up/slow me down in terms of walking&running or attack rate, or does it just add some defensive value? Does it or does the armor in general affect my ability to successfully cast magic on an enemy?

Casting magic: What the heck determines *any* of my chances to hit? When I miss an enemy and get something in red saying (17%), is 17% the chance I had to successfully cast, or was that the chance of failure (I'm pretty certain that's the success chance from what I've tested)? I'm playing as a priest, and I'm up to level 10 with about 3 levels in Miracle Magic and I still can't get Word of Angel or whatever the level 1 spell is to hit diddly squat...

Poison: How do I cure it, aside from waltzing back to town and getting healed in the chapel?

Alchemy: What level of alchemy do I need to mix even the most basic of potions?

I guess if people have questions, post them here, and hopefully we can build off of eachother's knowledge. From what I've learned playing a priest, your best bet is getting into town ASAP and doing as little fighting as possible until you have a party member. And once you do have a party member, use them sigils and spells to rip things apart while your ally tanks.
On a side note: I burnt down a locked door at one point, by repeatedly using my starting fire sigil thingy (I feel dumb now). Apparently you can break them down, and even have your party member attack them using the Z key (use T key to manually attack it yourself). Dunno if it works on chests, but it was massively useful, especially after I re-loaded and beat it down with a weapon instead of wasting my precious fire-power (Zing! Puns or whatknot >.>)

Anyway, info/mechanics/questions anyone?
Adding a bit to some of what has been said, speed makes you move faster and increases your defense. It doesn't matter if you obtain speed from your armor, a ring, or by directly raising the attribute, it all adds to your speed score, and follows the same formula to improve your character.

Some good suggestions have been given regarding avoiding spell failure. I've also noticed that individual spells have their own rating here. I don't believe this is documented, but it seems that spells with the higher rating are less likely to fail. With my priest I stick with spells like Stoning (open wounds prior to that) as its rating is 100%.

Regarding poison, your best bet is try and avoid getting poisoned in the first place. Try casting your damage spells from outside spiders aggro range, and you should be able to kill most of them before they get into striking range.
Also, you may want to hang out in the graveyards and gain a couple more levels. The early levels can be tough for a priest, but it gets easier as you level up.

Also, don't neglect to use your seals. Those can't be resisted, and you will find plenty of them. They can do great damage, particularly the area of effect spells.
Post edited October 05, 2012 by marceror
So things so far: Alchemy is for mixing potions, that I already knew, and I've got one page of inventory dedicated to each of the basic potions made into a chart to show which 2ndary potions I can make by combining which basic ones (Con, Health, Dex, etc.). I forget what level I needed to start mixing basic potions (4~6?), and can't make tertiary potions yet (made of 3 basics, which I assume means a 2ndary potion mixed with a basic potion). I also noticed that the stat-increasing potions you get from the witch for 1000g and the item (can't remember atm) list themselves as being a combination of 4 basic potions.... Would those be craftable ever (which would be game-breaking, but still >.>)?

Those poisons at the start are a pain. The fact that antidote potions *slow* it instead of curing it is a pain, too... I was only able to purge a poison once, and only after giving an antidote to my party member before purging them. Attempts to do this again all failed :(

The % that shows up when a spell fails is definitely dependent on monster (or monster's magic resist/intelligence, same deal)... Still not sure what to believe, whether spells 'always work' yet I have an appalling % chance of the angel's word spell working every time I try to cast, or whether there's a chance for you to fail in addition to the monsters chance to resist.

Armor not hindering spell casting is good to know, as is the fact that armor speeds also increase your speed (rather than a detriment... don't know how heavy armor makes you run faster, but whatever xD)

BTW, when I posted this thread, I was already up to lvl 13ish. I'm now in the mines and having some troubles figuring things out there, and still getting upset by that stupid pool of acid...