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So I have the Liber Lucifer Ordinis Novi book, and it mentions being forbidden. After using it, I get access to infernal magic. My question is, going by the descriptions in-game, are there any negative consequences to using infernal magic, or are all the schools simply schools of magic?

For example, if I cast some infernal magic in town, will people attack me for it (I'm an inquisitor, btw)? Will using it affect my karma or whatever the good/evil meter is in any way? Or is that all just fluff, and I can use whatever magics I want without worrying about roleplaying consequences?
This question / problem has been solved by Corwin77image
So far I have seen no negative effects to using it. I've certainly never been attacked by townspeople or priests, etc just for using a forbidden magic.
the only difference between forbidden and allowed magic is that you need more evil alignment for successfully cast forbidden magic skill and more good alignment for allowed magic. for inquisitorial magic you need evil alignment also.
Now *that's* a major mechanic I wish I had known sooner. I've been wondering why my open wounds spell works so much better than my word of angel spell... Is that documented anywhere in the manual/guides, or did you have to figure that out on your own?

I'm glad to know that casting spells won't affect my alignment or get me in consequences, but the fact that alignment affects your casting ability is something I am very glad to know. Also, apparently I'm ever so slightly evil and have no idea what I've done to warrant that, but oh well. Thanks for the info!
i've read about this in the manual. or maybe on game's homepage. for sure in some "official" source.
shakurajolithion: Now *that's* a major mechanic I wish I had known sooner. I've been wondering why my open wounds spell works so much better than my word of angel spell... Is that documented anywhere in the manual/guides, or did you have to figure that out on your own?

I'm glad to know that casting spells won't affect my alignment or get me in consequences, but the fact that alignment affects your casting ability is something I am very glad to know. Also, apparently I'm ever so slightly evil and have no idea what I've done to warrant that, but oh well. Thanks for the info!
you lose alignment if you torture innocents, its not very obvious and you can very easily torture the wrong person early on.
Yeah, but I haven't tortured *anyone* so far. I did save and then torture one person because I just wanted to see what torture was like without dealing with consequences, but reloaded before having arrested the person.

I'm wondering if the alchemists potion quest (really early on) considers intimidating the potion lady to be an evil act?