Antaress: Can you tell me what are Console Commands ?
If you're referring to Inquisitors cheat codes, than it's this:
When you're in the game, press the ~ (tilde) key. It's typically in the top-left area of your keyboard, to the left of the 1 and below the Esc. A ">" prompt will appear near the top left of the screen where you can type in some text . This is called the console.
The commands are:
\givenewitem item - Add item to inventory (replace item by the proper item name; here's an
item list)
\givemoney # - Increase money by # amount
\addexp # - Increase experience by # amount
\addskillpts # - Increase skill points by # amount
\addattribpts # - Increase attribute points by # amount
\addbeing_afriend being -1 -1 - Add being to map at player position -- see
being list \tdolby - Use science skill to affect enemy vision, if female character