This campaign I generally disliked. It was made hard for all the wrong reasons. I wouldn't even call it hard - it was cumbersone, tiring and tedious.
yogsloth: The Homeward Fleet: Navigation Computer:
Cycles: 500
Footprint: 726
Blocks: 340
Notes - **** this puzzle. This is the one I had to look up online just to see the trick to it - twice. I wasted so much time trying to figure it out on my own without knowing the additional properties to welders that are required to solve it. This is my one and only solution, it's laughably awful, and I don't care. This is the granddaddy of all weld-on-the-fly problems. Dat footprint score, lol. Ugh.
Just like you, this was the first and only time I gave up and checked online. Didn't even see the solution, just saw the welder trick, or rather property, which I had no idea existed.
yogsloth: Fusion Reactor:
Cycles: 1609
Footprint: 1050
Blocks: 972
Notes - lol, omg, just kill me. I look at this insanely over-bloated octopus of a solution and just cringe at the thought of starting all over again.
My least favourite level here. Just look at the cycles; took ages to run even on high speed. It's very wasteful. I basically build a solid cube, then make it hollow as needed. While the cube is being built, everything else waits. Also, when I first looked at it, I didn't notice a piece needed in the output, so had to redo part of the puzzle.
I thought mine was bloated, I hate to think what yours looks like.
yogsloth: Crew Quarters:
Cycles: 1066
Footprint: 1243
Blocks: 400
Notes - OK, so this one is also a disaster, but shouldn't be that bad. I have a solution I'm working on that's at 133 blocks and only needs the beds welded on. It should also cream both the cycle and footprint scores. I'd like to finish it, so this may be the next thing I do when I come back to the game.
Of all the levels here, this is the one I disliked least, defense level aside. It was pretty neat, and I'm proud of my block score.
yogsloth: Plasma Engine:
Cycles: 858
Footprint: 1429
Blocks: 453
Notes - My only solution here as well. Cycle score is actually pretty good. I have a solution about 40% done with only a handful of blocks, but I might scrap it as I don't like the way the assembled frame has to move. So hard to keep from bandaging yourself with those ridiculously huge frames and such tiny workspace. Fun note - my first use of the double-pusher on this solution. (A pusher that pushes a pusher!)
Another extremely wasteful one. I build a solid rectangular prism for the hull and then make it hollow. While that's happening, other parts are thrown into oblivion, until I need one. I did get a block score though that's extremely good according to histograms.
yogsloth: Fire-Control System:
Cycles: 773
Footprint: 341
Blocks: 372
Notes - Yeah, I hated this. I know some people thought it was an awesome curveball, but it just stressed me out, lol. The reason my footprint and block scores are so bad is because I built my command center right under the monitor. I had to do this a dozen times and still barely survived with one hit point. Yech.
As we discussed in chat, I loved this level. Nice change of pace and I found it pretty interesting.
Now, if you want to see something really amazing check this guy out. He build a solution
without any switches. It just plays out itself. I can't even begin to figure out how he did this.
Not sure who the guy is but if he's applying for any engineering job, this should be put on the top of his resume.
yogsloth: Skip Drive:
Cycles: 492
Footprint: 1710
Blocks: 820
Notes - Yeah, I dare you to build anything in the game with a worse footprint score, ha ha! What an insane monster this is. Lots of great stuff in my solution with rotators, lifters, a really fun floating welder system to make that one SOAB vertical weld... it's just crazy. Maybe someday I'll do this one again from scratch. Maybe.
This level is a perfect example of what's wrong with this campaign. Inputs purposely put in wrong places and little maneouvre room.
I can easily spot several places where I can improve. But I just wanted to finish the game.