Posted September 27, 2016
Hi fellow gamers,
I have tried everything I could exept using an HEX editor cause I don't have a clue what to look for in that but tell me please that there are some geniuses out there that can make it run in widescreen, prefarably 16:9.
1920x1080 would be fine then I can force it to an higher resulotion with my own fix that I found.
Greatly appreciate your help cause I've enjoyed this game a long time ago but lately I feel like going back to some older ones I've played then but got more demanding of options ;)
We've got spoiled over the years lol but want something more now out of some older games we've played back then :)
Thx in advance guys and girls for helping figuring out a solution to this.
All the best to you,
I have tried everything I could exept using an HEX editor cause I don't have a clue what to look for in that but tell me please that there are some geniuses out there that can make it run in widescreen, prefarably 16:9.
1920x1080 would be fine then I can force it to an higher resulotion with my own fix that I found.
Greatly appreciate your help cause I've enjoyed this game a long time ago but lately I feel like going back to some older ones I've played then but got more demanding of options ;)
We've got spoiled over the years lol but want something more now out of some older games we've played back then :)
Thx in advance guys and girls for helping figuring out a solution to this.
All the best to you,
This question / problem has been solved by SpikedSoul![image](/www/forum_carbon/-img/link_arow.gif)