Posted March 20, 2015
In case anyone missed it, yesterday I've posted a guide how to getting this game up and running with Wine.
Pasted from the original post above:
1) Create a 32bit Wine prefix set as Windows XP.
2) Install the game normally (the installer will throw an error at the end but no worries).
2) Open "regedit" and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Wine > Direct3D (if it doesn't exist create it).
3) Create a DWORD and name it: MaxShaderModelVS with a value data of 0 and close regedit.
4) Download this zip file: (it contains the dlls required for the game).
5) Extract all the files from in your Wine prefix "C:\Windows\System32\" (overwrite if asked).
6) Open the Winecfg again and go to the Libraries section, add "msvcrt" and set it to "native".
7) Go to the game's folder > GameData > indy > vars.cfg > set 'fpsLimit=30' to 'fpsLimit=60' (Optional)
8) Launch the game from: GameData/bin/indy.exe.
Known Issues:
- Setting the resolution in game may limit you to 1152x864, trying to set it higher will make it crash. A workaround for this is to go in the same vars.cfg file as described in Step 7 and change the "res_height" and "res_width" manually. The game supports only 4:3 resolutions, any other aspect ratio than this will revert it to 640x480.
The 0 Byte "EmperorsTomb.exe":
User shmerl pointed out the size of this file was 0 bytes. Originally EmperorsTomb.exe is a menu that displays some options before launching the game. GOG/LucasArts might have not included this on purpose in the digital version since it isn't essential to play the game.
Despite not being necessary / needed to the game you can download a working version from my google drive using the link. I repeat this is NOT required for the game, I am simply providing it for those who want it, just for fun.
Installation: Simply unpack the zip file in the game's main directory and overwrite the old file.
Extra: The game's original icon in png format (extracted from the game's exe).
Pasted from the original post above:
1) Create a 32bit Wine prefix set as Windows XP.
2) Install the game normally (the installer will throw an error at the end but no worries).
2) Open "regedit" and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Wine > Direct3D (if it doesn't exist create it).
3) Create a DWORD and name it: MaxShaderModelVS with a value data of 0 and close regedit.
4) Download this zip file: (it contains the dlls required for the game).
5) Extract all the files from in your Wine prefix "C:\Windows\System32\" (overwrite if asked).
6) Open the Winecfg again and go to the Libraries section, add "msvcrt" and set it to "native".
7) Go to the game's folder > GameData > indy > vars.cfg > set 'fpsLimit=30' to 'fpsLimit=60' (Optional)
8) Launch the game from: GameData/bin/indy.exe.
Known Issues:
- Setting the resolution in game may limit you to 1152x864, trying to set it higher will make it crash. A workaround for this is to go in the same vars.cfg file as described in Step 7 and change the "res_height" and "res_width" manually. The game supports only 4:3 resolutions, any other aspect ratio than this will revert it to 640x480.
The 0 Byte "EmperorsTomb.exe":
User shmerl pointed out the size of this file was 0 bytes. Originally EmperorsTomb.exe is a menu that displays some options before launching the game. GOG/LucasArts might have not included this on purpose in the digital version since it isn't essential to play the game.
Despite not being necessary / needed to the game you can download a working version from my google drive using the link. I repeat this is NOT required for the game, I am simply providing it for those who want it, just for fun.
Installation: Simply unpack the zip file in the game's main directory and overwrite the old file.
Extra: The game's original icon in png format (extracted from the game's exe).
Post edited March 20, 2015 by Ganni1987