HereForTheBeer: It does go sandbox, sort of, for a while. Fly a few sorties on your own, doing whatever you please, and the game will then present you with the next mission. It's a bit of a break from the one-scenario-after-another formula that you might otherwise find within this game genre (like, for instance, Wing Commander). But rest assured, you will get some storyline missions after you undertake some self-directed activity for a short while.
That's one nice thing about the game - for the most part you can take it at your own pace. If you don't feel like starting the next story mission, then go ahead and do something else for a while. There are a few places where the next bit starts as soon as you launch, but that's mostly in the later part of the game.
Email tells me to go to a certain location to loot so I go there and I scan the transports and there is nothing on them.
I did find one with batteries but the transport didn't off load them when I shot at it and if I did shoot it,it would have blown up along with the cargo.
Prefer a story based game myself.
Just doing nothing atm.
The game wants me to loot but I can't find any loot.
Game developers obviously didn't want to sell any copies of their game because it's so bloody hard.
I find utils ,then a barrage of ships chase me and I'm killed after about a minute.
Gamies are supposed to be fun.
You reallly need to not have a real life to play this game.
Time is way too short for that.
If we all lived to 1000 ,I would invest in the 4 hours a day,every day it takes to master flying these ships without getting shot down.
For me,Darkstar One is infinitely more enjoyable.
i know it's not "hardcore" but anything I do hardcore has to have some real money reward behind it or something more substantial like learning a musical instrument,career not a bloody game.