ttomm46: Had the game a long time ago..Seems like it took forever to figure it out..Hard to learn?
Not at all. I'm in the process of writing a guide to help people along with it, but it's been my experience that people who aren't improving are underestimating the value of industrial and diplomatic growth. You HAVE to court at least 2 minor nations if you want to have the resources and income to compete in the harder difficulties. You have to overgrow your labor force and industrial capacity.
Also, most people tend to treat it like a standard 4X game, where everything leads to a massive military that parade-stomps the planet. In Imperialism this is not the case. Military units cost money to keep up, and it's far better to keep a large reserve labor force, capital, and supplies to build a massive army right when you need it and not before.
All in all, it's a simple game, but you have to take the time to recognize the importance of the systems in order to blow through Nigh on Impossible.