Stevezen: I see what you mean about the Flightstick guys.
With the joypad being digital and not analogue it does make hard work of flying although that said I just 'almost' (almost meaning I did everything but lost a wheel in the landing. with my old eyes seeing a green airstrip on green grass is pretty hard, especially ay low altitude) completed my 1st mission, took about 40mins and I shot down a jap bomber. wow! loved every minute of it but yeah its a major fight with a pad, even to do basic flight controls and I had most of the realism settings switched off.
I don't have the money atm for a stick, wondering if an xbox controller would be any better than the pad, at least they have the small analogue sticks, I might give it a whirl.
Excellent game, thrilling!
Well to be fair, with realistic landings turned on, I can barely land a fighter even with a joystick. Seriously, landing without breaking anything on the aircraft is one of the hardest things to do in the game - even harder than a lot of dogfights I think. :)