Posted October 24, 2011
If you can't roll good enough It's better to dump con down to 8 and leaving str, dex and wis at 18 than lowering all 4 stats to mediocre.
Bards can only be human or half-elf, 10 percent pickpocketing skill is the only difference. Elves don't get any resistance bonuses in the game.
Oh, sorry I got that wrong. I think I'm going to go with a half-elf bard for the extra to pick-pocket. Are there many charisma checks in the game? I'm assuming the person with the highest Charisma is the one that triggers the check or should I instigate each conversation with my Bard? I am guessing I also get better deals with vendors if I trade with my Bard? Is it also recommended to cast 'Friend' before each conversation. I never really use spells outside of battle but I suppose that is why I like these kinds of RPGs better, why have the spells if you're not going to use them, eh.
To Coelocanth
With regards to the mods you mentioned earlier, I really have my eye on the Ease of Use Pack, is it okay to get this or would it ruin a first playthrough?