taxguy: My bard does not have the unlock locks icon that rogues get. How do bards unlock locks? I even tried duel classing my bard to a rogue to see if the unlock locks icon show up to no avail. HELP. I also tried right clicking on the skill icon to see if I could find it to no avail.
IWD 1 or IWD 2? If the first game, only thieves can unlock. Otherwise, you need to use a spell or bash the container.
If IWD2, you need to cross class points into the Open Lock skill, or if a Rogue, you must invest at least one point in the skill. If you have no points in the skill, then you cannot unlock containers as it's a 'trained only' skill, meaning if you don't have at least one point invested in the skill you cannot even attempt it. Otherwise, as above, you have to either bash or use a spell*.
*Can't recall offhand if there's an Open Lock spell in IWD 2 or not.