Posted November 04, 2017
Well, after having beaten the game once already, I decided to try my hand at utilizing some of the other classes just to get the feel for them. So in a new game here is the the party I've got:
1) Aasimar Paladin of Ilmater (to be later multi-classed with Painbearer of Ilmater, debating at whether to start him as Cleric after 3 or 8 levels of Paladin, the latter so I can utilize the Fiendslayer feat; meant as buffer/healer and tank/damage dealer)
2) Shield Dwarf Barbarian (planning to give him 4 fighter levels, possibly after level 20 if not before, so he can have Weapon Specialization and Maximized Attacks; meant as principle melee damage dealer; also my Intimidate expert)
3) Human Druid (primary healer and secondary magical damage dealer)
4) Human Rogue (will give him 4 fighter levels and 5 bard levels after 12 rogue levels and then go back to rogue from there; meant to be sneak attack & ranged damage dealer as well as use bardic instruments/Use Magic Device to fill in where needed, especially using Raging Winds in HoF mode to provide powerful backup)
5) Human Sorcerer (primary arcane damage dealer and chief Bluff/Diplomacy user)
6) Human (generalist) Wizard (will focus on buff and [especially in HoF mode] summoning arcane spells, but will learn every other spell via scrolls just in case)
Now, the druid in this case will focus on spellcasting, namely healing, druid buffs and damage-dealing spells. I don't know how useful druids are at crowd control, party since Entangle is not allowed to be cast in man-made settings. I know Druids get the Spike Stones spell but I've never used it myself before. Do they get any other useful spells to use for breaking up crowds of non-animal enemies?
Also, which feats are best for this one? I heard the Spell Penetration feats are bogus because enemies, namely in HoF mode, either have too much or too little spell resistance to make the investment worthwhile. Now, what feats are worthwhile? I'm thinking Combat Casting for emergency heals, and later on Spirit of Flame and Scion of Storms for damage spells. What about Spell Focus (Evocation) and it's upgrade? I hear all the Wild Shape feats except the Shambling Mound one are garbage.
Concerning Sorcerers, I know they rely on Charisma instead of Intelligence and cast a small selection of spells per spell level multiple times per day instead of memorizing several different spells per day. What spells and feats should I go with, due to their limited selection? Concerning spells, these are what had in mind per spell level:
1st - Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb
2nd - Melf's Acid Arrow and either Gedlee's Electric Loop or Aganazzar's Scorcher
3rd - Fireball and Lightning Bolt, maybe Skull Trap
4th - Mordenkainen's Force Missiles and either Shout or Vitriolic Sphere
5th - Sunfire and either Ball Lightning, Cloudkill, Phantom Blade or Shroud of Flame
6th - Chain Lightning and either Acid Fog, Acid Storm, Darts of Bone, Disintegrate, Soul Eater or Tenser's Transformation
7th - Delayed Blast Fireball and either Finger of Death, Malavon's Rage, Mordenkainen's Sword, or Prismatic Spray
8th - Horrid Wilting and either Fiery Cloud, Flaying or Great Shout
9th - Meteor Swarm and Wail of the Banshee; dunno about Black Blade of Disaster
As far as feats, I'm thinking Spell Focus in Evocation and Necromancy (and their upgrades) and - if possible - feats like Spirit of Flame, Scion of Storms and Aegis of Time.
How does that sound?
1) Aasimar Paladin of Ilmater (to be later multi-classed with Painbearer of Ilmater, debating at whether to start him as Cleric after 3 or 8 levels of Paladin, the latter so I can utilize the Fiendslayer feat; meant as buffer/healer and tank/damage dealer)
2) Shield Dwarf Barbarian (planning to give him 4 fighter levels, possibly after level 20 if not before, so he can have Weapon Specialization and Maximized Attacks; meant as principle melee damage dealer; also my Intimidate expert)
3) Human Druid (primary healer and secondary magical damage dealer)
4) Human Rogue (will give him 4 fighter levels and 5 bard levels after 12 rogue levels and then go back to rogue from there; meant to be sneak attack & ranged damage dealer as well as use bardic instruments/Use Magic Device to fill in where needed, especially using Raging Winds in HoF mode to provide powerful backup)
5) Human Sorcerer (primary arcane damage dealer and chief Bluff/Diplomacy user)
6) Human (generalist) Wizard (will focus on buff and [especially in HoF mode] summoning arcane spells, but will learn every other spell via scrolls just in case)
Now, the druid in this case will focus on spellcasting, namely healing, druid buffs and damage-dealing spells. I don't know how useful druids are at crowd control, party since Entangle is not allowed to be cast in man-made settings. I know Druids get the Spike Stones spell but I've never used it myself before. Do they get any other useful spells to use for breaking up crowds of non-animal enemies?
Also, which feats are best for this one? I heard the Spell Penetration feats are bogus because enemies, namely in HoF mode, either have too much or too little spell resistance to make the investment worthwhile. Now, what feats are worthwhile? I'm thinking Combat Casting for emergency heals, and later on Spirit of Flame and Scion of Storms for damage spells. What about Spell Focus (Evocation) and it's upgrade? I hear all the Wild Shape feats except the Shambling Mound one are garbage.
Concerning Sorcerers, I know they rely on Charisma instead of Intelligence and cast a small selection of spells per spell level multiple times per day instead of memorizing several different spells per day. What spells and feats should I go with, due to their limited selection? Concerning spells, these are what had in mind per spell level:
1st - Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb
2nd - Melf's Acid Arrow and either Gedlee's Electric Loop or Aganazzar's Scorcher
3rd - Fireball and Lightning Bolt, maybe Skull Trap
4th - Mordenkainen's Force Missiles and either Shout or Vitriolic Sphere
5th - Sunfire and either Ball Lightning, Cloudkill, Phantom Blade or Shroud of Flame
6th - Chain Lightning and either Acid Fog, Acid Storm, Darts of Bone, Disintegrate, Soul Eater or Tenser's Transformation
7th - Delayed Blast Fireball and either Finger of Death, Malavon's Rage, Mordenkainen's Sword, or Prismatic Spray
8th - Horrid Wilting and either Fiery Cloud, Flaying or Great Shout
9th - Meteor Swarm and Wail of the Banshee; dunno about Black Blade of Disaster
As far as feats, I'm thinking Spell Focus in Evocation and Necromancy (and their upgrades) and - if possible - feats like Spirit of Flame, Scion of Storms and Aegis of Time.
How does that sound?
This question / problem has been solved by kmonster