TomiikV: I have found setsound.exe in the games subfolder scream\drivers. How to run it for changing music device used? I'd like to use General MIDI for being able to hear MIDI music via my Yamaha keyboard (or any other MIDI playback device configured in Windows). Wish there was shortcut in Start menu for that.
This works for other GOG DOSBox games too in Windows 7 (assuming below that you installed the game in the default place on C: drive):
1. Locate the game shortcut in the Start Menu (in this case "I Have No Mouth..." under Start => All Programs => I Have No Mouth..., and right click on it. Not sure how to do this in Windows 8, you have to locate the shortcut from the depths of your hard drive instead.
2. Select Properties.
3. In the target box, remove "-c exit" from the end of the command string, so that it would look something like this:
"C:\GOG Games\I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream\DOSBOX\DOSBox.exe" -conf "..\dosboxnomouth.conf" -conf "..\dosboxnomouth_single.conf" -noconsole
4. Click OK.
5. Locate
C:\GOG Games\I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream\dosboxnomouth_single.conf, and edit it with Notepad. If the file is unreadable in Notepad (missing linefeeds), open it in Wordpad instead, save it (Ctrl-S), exit Wordpad, and open it again in Notepad.
6. Comment out the two lines (where the game is run and exit) with #. Also, I think it is a good idea at this point to put some kind of mixer volume setting to that conf file so that the Soundblaster sound effect (like speech) won't be so loud compared to the MIDI music.
So the conf file should look something like this:
mount C ..
imgmount d -t iso -fs iso ..\NoMouth.dat
mixer master 20:20
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
# You can put your MOUNT lines here.
The bolded lines were edited or added.
7. Save the conf file, and rerun the game from the Start menu shortcut. Now you should end up in the DOSBox prompt inside the game directory, and you can run install.exe
8. In the game installer, select:
Configure Sound & Music Drivers
Select and configure MIDI music driver
General MIDI (Roland MPU-401 interface or 100% compatible)
Attempt to configure sound driver automatically
Quit Installation
9. Then you can run the game by running SCREAM.BAT. When you are done with the game, if you end up in this same DOSBox prompt, write "exit" to exit the DOSBox session.
If you want, you can change the dosboxnomouth_single.conf by removing the # from the "scream" and "exit" lines, and adding "-c exit" at the end of the Start menu shortcut target. But you can just as well leave it like it is now, you just need to start the game with SCREAM.BAT in the DOSBox session, and give EXIT after the game.