Naszrador: RB2 conquest ending. Happy... Well I liked it but I guess you should avoid it like hell then.
Pityesz: As far as I know it has a lot of endings. I still think it worth a try for me. I say this even through I'm not that big RPG fan. I not even like the genre or at least I get bored faster than getting the ending. I started to play with Final Fantasy titles, Ys titles, Legend of Heroes, Langrisser (from an older era) but I finished only the Ys Origin and the Ys I and II. Not bad games, the problem isn't this. Just I get bored after a time. It is my taste. Yet, Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 (I never played the original) however was able to entertain me. With this, it is the second RPG to the Xenogears which was able to make me play again and again till the very end.
This is my story about the chance I want to give to the Re;Birth 2.
I rather meant avoiding the ending, not the game. Though Re2 is definitely the weakest out of the rebirths. And the one I'd never buy again.
Nepgear as the main char ruined the game for me, the translation ruined Neptune(and others it seems), the story was even in comparison with the rest of the series bad, the jokes never made me even chuckle. Yeah, I like Re1 and 3, but 2?