I have to agree with most interpretations of the three masks in the dark room but with some nuances. I have to admit I inmediatly thought in Lost Highway when I started playing, so my interpretation is quite influenced by Lynch films (which at the same time, could be close to this freudian line).
I also think the Rooster and the Owl as parts of our character, being the horse the mental representation of his girlfriend, but they're not only the tradicional super-ego/unconscious representation; yes, Rooster is the violence, but the Owl isn't just his moral side, it's an ancentral symbol for wisdom. The Owl is the desire to know, and Jacket has none, he is just carried away for the violence, unlike Helmet who is willing to know the truth about the phone calls. Bear in mind the Rasmus mask is the one which allows us to solve the puzzle and get the 'true' ending. At the end, only Rooster is left because of the death of the girl and his blindness about the truth of what is happening; perhaps it's the result of the mental conditioning the cleaners speak about at the end.
For the Horse, remembering the mask is called Don Juan I think supports my theory of being a representation, it implies romance, and the cover art corroborates it.
And I think the Employee also plays an important role, I would say he's the judge, a filter, and as with Rasmus, I'm not talking about moral but about truth. The Employee tells Jacket the killing of Helmet was fake, it's a mistake in his memories and from here everything falls apart. The delusion is everytime stronger, Jacket rejects the Owl of knowledge until the Employee finally disappears. So I tend to agree with the idea that at some point, everything we are playing is totally fake, most probably Jakcet was killed by Helmet (the encounter with Helmet is atypical, since we previously received a phone call in the floor we were 'cleaning', something never seen previously).
This happens in Chapter 7, and in Ninth we receive visit of SWAT, whom are invulnerable, could they be the first alert that something is going wrong? It happens a level after fighting Helmet and after a level, we receive the most strange phone call (*click* *click* *click-click* *click* *click* *click*...*click* *click* *click**click* *click* *click*...*click*) and we are attacked by Richter. As someone has previously said, it means Judge in german, that sound relevant, At the end, he seems to be jus another masked killer, such as many we ound previoulsy, such as ourselves, but then, why did he attacked us?
I think Richter is a delusion, he's wearing the Rat, which widely represents the most neggative aspects of humanity, and as judge he brings to Jacket what he deserves: pain.
Perhaps he's the last shock of reality, when Jacket wokes up in the hospital, he behaves like a totally different characte, like a totally different game. Without guns, slow... and with grey hair! Our enemies are polices no trying to kill us but wanting to force us to tell the truth, when our character never speaks. Also, when he goes back to the house and put his dresses... he's back again, the same as always, he gets back to the delusion which fulfils killing the cliche mob boss and the absurd ninja girl. So now, the twisted twist, what if when we kill the mob boss on wheel-chair we are killing the real Jacket?
Well, that's all, maybe I said some interesnting things but I'm sure I said many absurdities. Anyways, this game is awesome, as with a Lynch film, everyone can add his two cents to solve the puzzle, even if actually there is none!
Post edited January 05, 2013 by Oook