ewhac: ,,,
And, for many people -- for
good and proper reasons -- this is reprehensible. This is unconsionable. This is unacceptable.
Better that than handing over control of my machine to a company with as bad a repuation as Microsoft.
Well written. I totally agree.
If Microsoft does not change its policy regarding privacy and data retribution - what is highly unlikely - I am ready to being stuck with Windows 7 until my very demise.
But I would also argue that GOG indeed has a certain responsability making sure that the old games run on any (sufficiently reasonable) OS that the customer chooses.
Somewhat dissappointed that HZD does not support Win7. But, as a gamer senior I am able to happily limit myself to those good old games that run on my machine. In other words, I have no problems relinquishing Win10, Win10 games, or even GOG Galaxy (should it no longer be support Win7).
Maybe something that should be considered regarding GOG's business plan? Who is actually is or should be the target customer for (future) GOG?