Andtha: Interesting. Most people have no problem to accept the terms presented on their new TV set... And let's face it, there are no new "smart" TVs that don't send telemetry!
The game does ask if you want to send basic or detailed telemetry, yes. But as stated already in this thread, the game will run happily when offline. And you don't need galaxy installed as well, just start the .exe from the installation folder.
Also, I highly doubt that there's a keylogger installed. All that it's saying is that keys will be send as well with the logs IN THE GAME, i.e. when an issue is logged, the devs want to look at what the player was doing, so they can reproduce and possibly fix the issue. This hardly qualifies as a keylogger, but it has to be mentioned for the telemetry consent. Anyhow, I cannot believe that they would install a system-wide keylogger and grab your banking login credentials... And that such an outrageous behavior HASN'T BEEN REPORTED already by mainstream media, if it were such an unethical keylogger.
So, no, the games telemetry is there, but it is reasonable and avoidable by means of playing offline entirely (just disconnect Windows from the Internet, it should be possibly software-wise without having to "pull the (networking) plug") or block any connection from the game with your trusted firewall. Or don't do anything about it and help the devs understand issues you might have with the game.
The game is great BTW. Play it and enjoy it.
There's no need to be afraid of unwanted logging or telemetry when the game is not running.
I don't have my tv connected to the internet.