kranmer: I don't use HxD (i use Hex Workshop) but there should be a "Go To Address" or some way of doing that then go to
0010FF26 in HEX (NOT Decimal)
for the address or if you can't find that, search for these bytes in HEX
then change the last 00 in that so it reads
the FF is the part that decides how many saves you have (FF = 255) so set that lower.
EDIT- Just got HxD, in HxD at the top click on SEARCH then GO TO then paste
into the box then click HEX then OK and it should automatically take you to the correct byte, then just press something like 0F into it and then save and it should be done.
Ah, I was trying to use Find.
Luckily, 255 does reset between levels, so I'd have to really suck ass to blow through the entire 255 saves on one level.
I'll still probably try and lower it to 250 or 245 or something. It's a ridiculously huge amount of saves regardless.
EDIT: Hmm, still can't seem to find it, although I can't tell if it's because something's messing up or if I'm just so inexperienced with Hex Editing that I can't find it.
Maybe it's because I'm trying to Hex Edit the patched exe. Lemme try it on the original.
EDIT 2: Argh, still can't seem to find it. I'm an idiot at this stuff.
If it's not too big a hassle, can you make another patch that just reduces the saves to 245 or something? Just in case? I just don't want any bonus saves to cause potential overflow errors.
EDIT 3: Also, I know I've asked a lot from you already and I'm probably becoming an annoyance, but could you theoretically do the same thing you did for Contracts with the retail version of Blood Money? The version I bought was DRM free but all the programs I've seen so far that allow for Saves on Professional for Blood Money are only compatible with the Steam version. If it's too much of a hassle, don't bother. I just hope to be able to play the DRM free retail version instead of the Steam version with the ability to save on Professional.
Thanks a lot, man. I know I said it a lot, but you've been a massive help.