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I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
tomme: I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
The GoG Version doesnt work on my Win7 64 bit System, but i hope there will be a fix within the next days
tomme: I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
Shadox1991: The GoG Version doesnt work on my Win7 64 bit System, but i hope there will be a fix within the next days
I see. It does not start at all?
tomme: I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
It works fine on my W10 64-bit pc. Too bad there's no 16:9 for this game, but it runs pretty good.
tomme: I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
Shadox1991: The GoG Version doesnt work on my Win7 64 bit System, but i hope there will be a fix within the next days
Works fine on my Win7 64 bit system
tomme: I'm looking to buy H&D2 but I'm wondering if someone tried it yet and can confirm if it works as it should? I have the retail version of the games but it's such a pain to get to run.
So far from what I can tell it's the same as the retail... I have both (all versions actually) installed so I'll double check over the weekend
Post edited February 24, 2017 by netnerd85
I played the boot camp and half the first mmission. Works fine on my Win10 x64 too. I can´t seem to find sabre squadron though. I´m sure it´s there somewhere.
Works fine on Windows 10. Only issue I have is that H&D2 doesn't support wide resolutions, but that was always the case. You can force 1080p through the registry, but the HUD doesn't scale and will be cut off on the bottom.


You should have a "HD2_SabreSquadron" executable in the game folder.

Edit: concerning wide resolution while keeping the HUD right, someone posted a solution.
Post edited February 26, 2017 by dunadan101
A widescreen update would make me buy H&D2 here ASAP...
Shadox1991: The GoG Version doesnt work on my Win7 64 bit System, but i hope there will be a fix within the next days
tomme: I see. It does not start at all?
watch out, I had problem with antivirus (Avast) is blocking it, so i have to turt in off for game start :)
dunadan101: Works fine on Windows 10. Only issue I have is that H&D2 doesn't support wide resolutions, but that was always the case. You can force 1080p through the registry, but the HUD doesn't scale and will be cut off on the bottom.


You should have a "HD2_SabreSquadron" executable in the game folder.

Edit: concerning wide resolution while keeping the HUD right, someone posted a solution.
Works fine? What antivirus do you use? My Avira deleted a buttload of files and i can't start it...
I've completed the training & first mission under Wine, it runs fairly well. I'm getting some framerate drops when the enemies are firing back but I'm not sure what causes that.

One thing I wonder, are the SMGs (Thompson, Sten silenced) really supposed to dumbfuck inaccurate? Like, aim carefully at a stationary target at 25 meters, shoot one bullet, and it completely misses?
clarry: I've completed the training & first mission under Wine, it runs fairly well. I'm getting some framerate drops when the enemies are firing back but I'm not sure what causes that.

One thing I wonder, are the SMGs (Thompson, Sten silenced) really supposed to dumbfuck inaccurate? Like, aim carefully at a stationary target at 25 meters, shoot one bullet, and it completely misses?
Framerate drops: can't it be sound related? Although there's usually also considerable amount of computing going on, the muzzle flash lights the environment, bullet trajectory is computed (it has reasonable ballistic model including ricochet-per-material-hit, so for example most of the guns can shoot through wooden plank easily, but only strongest machine guns will reliably cause damage through bricks, and almost nothing does pass the concrete), etc... But if your machine is fairly modern and the framedrop is considerable, I would first take a look on things like various drivers, maybe some logs of wine to see if it's not flooded by some particular stub-error. On my old notebok with other windows game I tried to install full DirectX and while it did help with many problems with graphics glitches, I had to switch off the DirectSound, that one didn't work well, taking lot of CPU.

About inaccurate aiming: the soldier stats do affect this, so in the early stage of game they are a bit annoyingly inaccurate, after few missions the stats will bump up a bit and it will feel better. Also make sure you are not right after running, lack of stamina will ruin the aim. To get best steady hand you should hit the ground. Shooting while standing is pretty much spray-and-pray tactic. And finally it's not that easy to hit target on 25m with SMG in real world :) So the game does indeed add some randomness to your careful aiming, watch the size of the cross symbol to have idea how accurate your shooting can be (IIRC it's almost 1:1 correlation, the inner area between white lines is the possible spray-area) ... although these guys should be seasoned veterans with top practice, so it may feel a bit annoying. Sometimes I let to shoot the AI, so I just manoeuvre them into position and stance and make sure they see the enemy well, then I switch to other one to let the AI sort it out, as you can note from the enemy shots, they are not that bad in this basic activity.