wilarus: So I installed wake of the gods and have it working for heroes three but my question is I have seen videos on making newer units and buildings and so forth I was wondering what to do in order to go through with it or if it would be on the map maker
If you want to include / add specific buildings / items you should use the editor.
Otherwise, when you start a start a game in WoG mode (from WoG exe), you are asked if you want to "WoGify" the map. If you select yes then there is a short delay while the map is WoGified. You may notice then as the new items are swapped in, that some items change close to your home town. WoGifying a map changes some of the buildings and items to new WoG ones. You can amend these from a list at the start of the game.
You should have received a Word.doc as part of the WoG download that explains all the new changes in detail, enabling you to make choices as to which you want or not. WoGification is entirely random, and if you don't like the initial choices, you can always "restart scenario".
Note that some artefacts can change, which makes getting a set more difficult, and can in some cases break a quest if the map wasn't originally designed for WoG.