mirkobern: graphic and sound asides, what game related improvement there were?
for one not so addicted to the game and not even at the first half of the first HOMM2 campaign, what are the incentives to buy HOMM3?
There are many things, here are a few.
-Extended dimensions: the maps are considerably larger, and so is the battlefield (which, in turn, means most flyers can't get from one end of the battlefield to the other, making shooters more useful).
-The "more of everything" effect: more spells (also, you get more of them in the Mages' Guilds), more skills, more creatures (7/town, and ALL have upgrades), etc.
-A more well-thuoght-out system for increasing Gold income and army size. Instead of the Well, you get the Citadel and Castle, which increase the population of creatures in the town by +50% and +100%, respectively. Instead of the Statue, you get the City Hall (+2000 Gold/day) and Capitol (+4000 Gold/day).
There are many things indeed, they're just the ones that sprung into my mind at once. I hope you find these useful.