mastergangster21: I did. No effect :(
dahbk: is that dos box version?
what version of the wrapper ? Did you try to update it?
latest has more than one file. did you applied all the files?
What you are describing seems like the game is trying to load a sound effect but can't find it.
Can you hear horse galloping sound fx when moving about?
If no, re-aplly wrapper with all the files and folders it provides
It's a direct download (not optional) from GOG. There's a DOSBOX folder in game directory but it doesn't seem to start with it. I were trying to run this manually but got an error that says it cant be run in dos mode.
By wrapper you mean DOSBOX version? Yes i redownloaded the newest version and still the problem occurs.
There are proper sounds playing but it freezes afterwards. When i played the gog version 3 years ago there were DOS prompts while launching the game. Now there are none.