Posted September 08, 2018

Basically screen glitches up a few times and game doesn't work. Compatibility modes doesn't help.
With your "compatibility pack" screen just goes white and stays that way. No error messeges.
Side effects: I can't close homm application, can't see desktop, can't bring up task manager. PC simply wont display any of it. Just white screen with taskbar... Either I have to log out, restart pc or create extra desktop so I can turn of homm app from task manager. Annoying stuff.
Maybe I didn't understand how to apply your fix.?
I installed vc++ x86 2017 and placed both files in game directory folder. (heroes II gold, that means I tried it on POL version 2.1 exe file)
In homm 2 folder there are only two dll files. SMACKW32 and MSS32.
Wing32 is in system32 folder...
Deleting any of them won't work, because game simply does not work without them.
At this point it seems like too much of a hassle to make it work "out of the box". I'm already able to run the game on win10 using dxwnd no problem.
Post edited September 08, 2018 by dahbk