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A sequel to Kult: Heretic Kingdoms is being developed and I am so up for it!

In Shadows you play a demon called a Devourer of Souls, both in the real world and in the Shadow Realm, but in the real world you look like the 'soul' you're playing at the moment and you can focus on one (oh, yeah, I hate party-based) or several of the souls you've absorbed. I'd add a link but I've never done it before and I'd rather not make a mess of this so if anyone is interested you can google Shadows Heretic Kingdoms to find out more about it.

I really enjoyed Heretic Kingdoms. These devs are so innovative and I can't wait to play this one as a half mad demon. ;D At the moment, it's a Steam exclusive but since I won't touch Steam with a bargepole I'm keeping my fingers crossed it ends up here on GOG.
irondog: A sequel to Kult: Heretic Kingdoms is being developed
Oh balls it's already out but Steam only...?

ShadowWulfe: Knuckleheads.
My sentiments exactly. Well, okay, I wasn't quite as polite about it. It seems as if every damned game I've been looking forward to playing is Steam only.
Well, go Team America go! Glory to the Motherland! And all of that patriotik mess.

It's frustrating to see Steam gobble up everything and make it exclusive to themselves. I've never been a fan of centralized corporate power, and I definitely don't want PC to become a glorified console.
ShadowWulfe: Well, go Team America go! Glory to the Motherland! And all of that patriotik mess.

It's frustrating to see Steam gobble up everything and make it exclusive to themselves. I've never been a fan of centralized corporate power, and I definitely don't want PC to become a glorified console.
Tell me about it, but they're getting a lot of help from developers, running to Steam like their tails were on fire, even established ones. Frogwares, for instance, isn't an Indie that might get lost in the shuffle if they're not Greenlit - Greenlighted? - (a reason I've seen over and over) and their games are now accessible only on Steam, even the old ones. Big Finish and Revolution tried to send the backers for their latest games Steam keys, brightly assuming that everyone uses Steam. And now KingArt is offering early access to The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 on Steam, leading me to think it will turn up there as a Steam exclusive, and I won't be playing that either until it's got a long, grey beard and shows up on GOG. I suppose you can tell that I'm primarily an Adventure Gamer but I don't like the way things are going any more than you do.

Let's hope GOG's take on early access can at least curb some of this tomfoolery.

Hopefully we get the Shadows game at some point.

Let's hope GOG's take on early access can at least curb some of this tomfoolery.

Hopefully we get the Shadows game at some point.
Interesting article, ShadowWulfe. Thanks!
It is available now, btw.