Thanks for all of the responses guys! I don't know when the forum stopped telling me that I HAD responses. :P
whatsnottaken: Do you guys get that there may be people who do not own the games already and maybe it's good for the site to offer the original games to them?
Good Point! I actually did not think of that. I suppose I was being selfish. I'm so used to GoG adopting community patches in the past, I don't know why they wouldn't reach out to GZdoom and the others to try to put together a snazzy package that everyone could be proud of. They've certainly done it dozens of times in the past, and people are more than happy to fork over their cash to get it.
I suppose I've become spoiled by GoG putting in the extra mile in the past, I hope that this isn't a sign of things to come.
I HEARTILY disagree with comparing them to Steam! STEAM made their start by putting a couple of hundred community unlocked abandonware games behind a paywall, then getting permission to host them after the fact. I know because I was one of the developers helping unlock those games back in the day. STEAM can go straight to hell. I've bought games from developers using the Steam platform.. but I have never once in my life caved in and paid Steam one single penny. As a matter of fact I am quite proud of the fact that I still have my Sign-up $5 bonus on the website, still unspent. :D